Random Dozen

1. Is there a word which you initially mispronounced? Were the circumstances in which you made the faux pas embarrassing? By the way, that’s not “foax pass.” (I know you know that. Just jokin’ with ya.)

Oh gosh I mispronounce words all the time. I have a slight stutter and this can be a problem when my mouth gets going faster than my head can think of words. I usually make a joke and keep going.

2. How do you feel about the use of texting shortcuts and trends? (ex: “I’ve got ur notes. Get them 2 u 2morow.”)

Anything that keeps me from getting carpal “thumb-all” syndrome (lol) is a good thing!

3. Tell me about your high school senior picture. Please feel free to post.


Well, I think I look okay, but see how straight my hair is? Can anyone figure this out?

5. Share a high school or college homecoming memory.


I won the Queen of the Rainbow Girls Ball when I was a sophomore in high school.

6. Linda at Mocha with Linda wants to know: “Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?”



7. Lea at Cici’s Corner asks, “What is something you have not done that you desire to do?”

Travel more.

8. Carol at Wanderings of an Elusive Mind ponders, “If you could come back [in another life] as an animal, which would it be?”

A pampered cat. I could sleep all day and lie in the sunshine and be stroked by my loving owner.

9. Joyce from The Other Side of the Pond is curious: “Where were you 10 years ago?” Please feel free to elaborate more than just your physical location.


We were in the process of building this house! What a job that was!

10. When you are proven to be correct in any contentious discussion, do you gloat?

No, usually I’ll wink, smile and go on.

11. What is your favorite food which includes the ingredient “caramel?”

I’ve never been big on caramel, but perhaps a candy bar.

12. From my 17 year-old daughter to you: “If you could be part of any fictional family, which family would you choose and why?” (She’s so cute. And clever.)

I sort of loved the Von Trapp Family in the Sound of Music. The adventure, but the real love they all shared in the movie.

5 thoughts on “Random Dozen”

  1. Next week there we are going to the movies where they are doing a whole thing, including showing the Sound of Music movie. And the end of the month Oprah is having the movie cast on her show. Love YOU, Mel

  2. I kinda wanted to say the Von Trapps…that’s my favorite movie and I love the Alps and the sense of family togetherness. Also, I’m a lousy singer so maybe if I were part of their family I’d have a little bit of talent?

    Have a great day!

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