Houston, We Have A Problem!

Monday, I just never should have ventured out of bed. It seems I was doomed from the moment I stood up and whacked my toe on the foot of the bed, to a minute ago, when I walked into a door, thus giving myself a concussion! Yes, it has not been my day! What other wonderful things have occurred?

Well, there are the garden spikes that I inadvertently broke off in the ground that needed to be remade, and then I went down to change the laundry and the tub was still full of water and the machine wouldn’t spin the water out or finish the cycle.


What was in the wash? A nice light load of summer clothing, which would easily be rinsed and dried? NOOOOOOO! A heavy winter blanket that was now sopping wet and still a bit soapy!

I went into Hubby’s work shop and stood there and said,

Houston, we’ve got a problem!“.

Hero that he is, he came and tried to get the machine to work. Nada. So we lifted the blanket out of the machine and put it in the sink to rinse and then wring out. Hubby was doing the wringing and asked me to get the user guide for the machine.

So, I ran up stairs and grabbed the guide and headed back to the cellar and literally ran into the cellar door hitting the side of my head with a hard thwack! I swear I saw stars!

Hubby wrung the blanket out well enough to place it in the dryer and I came up to call the repairman to come and fix my machine. It’s 11 years old and never had a problem before this. I hope it is not a catastrophic problem. I just can’t afford that right now. Please let it be simply a belt.

I climbed the stairs and sat down in my chair and my head started to spin. It was at that moment that I realized that only I could open a door into my own head and actually injure myself!

Tonight we are having leftovers for dinner. No stove-top cooking for me!  I’m afraid to get near a flame!

6 thoughts on “Houston, We Have A Problem!”

  1. I hope your washer gets fixed quick! There is nothing worse than a sick washer! It means no way to wash cloths and they pile up fast!!! Love YOU, Mel

  2. Awe, you poor thing! I hope you are feeling better by now! 🙂
    But you know what struck me as odd in your post? You ran up and got the user guide of the 11 year old machine!! I would NEVER have found that after such a long time!!! 🙂

  3. Sorry to hear you are hurting. If it makes you feel any better…been there done that. Yep, I’ve given myself a concussion by walking into a door that I opened. So, you are not alone.

  4. 11 years is a long time for a washing machine. Probably quiet expensive to repair. I had the same before I went away, but it was only the filter blocked by a sock !! I had never thought about cleaning the filter !
    Wish you good luck ! I only have to worry about sunburns !

  5. My mom was just complaining about her washer yesterday and she mentioned it is almost 30 years old! I’ve had three in the 26 years I’ve been married…I guess its true they don’t make em like they used to!

    Hoping your Tuesday is brighter than your Monday : )

  6. oh Maribeth, what a day! do me a favour and watch your eyes the next couple of days from the head knock……straight to the eye specialist if you see any changes in vision. !

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