Never Average

I’ve always been totally honest with you, regarding the fact that really, I am a freak of nature. There is simply no other way to put it. Ever since I was a little kid, I have defied being classified as an “average” person.

Most people will develop appendicitis at approximately 20 years of age. Men have a slightly higher incidence of developing appendicitis than women.

I was three and a half years old when my appendix blew and yes, I am a girl.

I’ve never really been able to read music, I can certainly follow it along, but I couldn’t tell you instantly what note that is. However, once I have heard a piece I can sing it again and again, and when I played the flute, it was the same.

Also when I reproduce, I have longer pregnancies than most women. In fact, I am more like an elephant. With my first pregnancy, I went three weeks over my due date! The second time it was two weeks over the expected time of arrival!

Perhaps that explains why elephants are my favorite Zoo animal.

Now in the last few years I have developed terrible leg cramps at night. These were the worst cramps ever, usually requiring me to jump out of bed, walk around and use a heating pad to release the cramps in my calves. I started to eat bananas, as I heard that this meant my body needed more potassium.


Well, apparently while potassium is good for some people, it isn’t good for me. You see, I have really high potassium levels all on my own! No one knows why, but they tell me it can be a real problem. So eating high potassium foods or taking a supplement is actually dangerous.

So I suffered, believing that there was nothing I could do. Then about 6 weeks ago I went to see my doctor and I mentioned the leg cramp problems. She said I should try taking magnesium. She said that there was a supplement that contained zinc, calcium, vitamin D and magnesium and that this would stop the leg cramps.

Yeah, like I believed that!

Well, I went to the Pharmacy and got a bottle of this stuff and started to take it every day. The first few days were nothing to write home about. I still had the cramps, and I felt a bit discouraged. Would I spend the rest of my years wrapping a heating pad around my leg each night?

Then, suddenly, the cramps stopped! I sleep through the the night without being awoken by the incredibly painful cramps, and all without potassium!

So I am once again faced with the fact that I am not average, but at least I have finally found something that has stopped the night time leg cramps and I swear by it.

If any of you out there have this problem (really, am I the only one?), go to your local pharmacy, or even a health food store and get a bottle of Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc & Vitamin D!

8 thoughts on “Never Average”

  1. I am back in the cold, in fact it’s not that cold and even the sun is coming out a little ! I too had these horrible cramps. The only thing is to put your foot on cold tiles, that helps ! not warm ! Indeed it is a leak of all the stuff you mentioned. BTW I still have my appendicitis and for the pregnancy I was “german ponctuality” lol ! Forseen for the 20 th August at midnight of the I was in the hospital, and he was born on the 20th lol !
    But I also love elephants, they are so cute even if they are big !

  2. Glad that you found something.
    But, you should have told me that earlier. I could have told you to take Magnesium. It helps perfectly for every kind of (muscle) cramp you are getting.

  3. I agree with Joyce. You are “gifted”. 🙂
    Glad you found something to relieve the cramps. I´ve had them, but not that often and they really hurt!

  4. Ha, Ha, Ha! I thought this was really cute…. You are WAY above average in my book. You are spectacular!
    Trying to get Jan down to make Plum Pudding.. you should come too. Love YOU, Mel

  5. ROFL! Well… I would still recommend to your readers to TRY the potassium FIRST – as that NORMALLY is the cause. However… if the potassium doesn’t work – then by all means – GO FOR the magnesium! I’m so glad you mentioned that to your doctor! You MIGHT have suffered forever without…

  6. how wonderful…….the calcium must be taken with the Magnesium for absorbsion…..I have the jumpy let syndrome…..still looking for some relief!

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