
You all know how much I love my own doggies. What you might not know is that I also adore each and every puppy that has been birthed in my home. I’m really lucky to have kept in touch with many of the owners and occasionally I get pictures of my babies as well.

Here is Faith with Ali. Ali is Anneliese’s daughter from the B-Litter. Her B-Name was Birgit!

ali 2

As you can see she is a beautiful girl and is obviously adored by her little girl, Faith. It still amazes me how big she is now. Ali was the smallest of the pups, and yet she hasn’t let that slow  her down. In fact this week she helped to track down a deer for a local hunter in Michigan.

My other grand-puppy news is that Bogart is coming to visit me again. His parents are going on vacation, so I will be puppy sitting while they are gone. I haven’t seen him since last February, and I wonder how all the dogs will do with each other. I think it will be okay, and I plan to take a lot of pictures

Bogey arrives on Thursday evening.


No More Wild Animals!


I’ve started singing when I go outside in the evenings with the the dogs. That should be enough to scare off any wild animal! Perhaps they will decide to simply move along and leave me, my yard and my dogs alone!

6 thoughts on “Grand-Puppies”

  1. Cute pup! I make a lot of noise when I let my dog out and also when I take the rubbish bins to the curb. Always on the lookout for bear…so far so good : )

  2. Do you have bears and wolves around your home? Yipes! In Texas we have had a huge problem with feral hogs that weigh up to 500 pounds. They have been coming into neighborhoods.

    I love that you have put the puppy header back up 🙂

  3. Hahaha ! you started singing ? competition with the coyote song ! I can send you Arthur he has a horror movie voice !
    How sweet that little Humphrey Bogard comes again on holidays !

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