Menopause Brain

I discovered that I can get busy and actually forget something! Totally unheard of for me. My mind is like a steal trap! I’ve always prided myself in that.

Monday, not so much.

July 31 006

I had a doctor’s appointment that I’d made some time ago. I’d written it down, and even got a reminder call last Friday. I was all ready for this appointment on Monday at 2 PM.

However, Monday found me slightly tired, with a scratchy eye, and actually puttering around getting things accomplished at home (like laundry, cooking and dog playing), and I totally forgot the doctor’s appointment!

He called me personally! He said in the 11 years that he has known me, I’ve never done that. This is true! I take being prompt and prepared very seriously. I apologized like crazy and I was embarrassed. How could I do that?

I’ve decided that it is menopause brain. Yep, I am going to blame that. For you youngsters out there, I swear there is something that happens when you are in the throws of menopause that causes your brain to freeze up.

Shockingly, mine did that on Monday.

I glanced at my calendar (after his call), and I now know I need to be prepared today and tomorrow for several appointments.

It’s odd. I think I will be very happy when the menopause bug passes and my brain returns. Won’t that be a happy day!

8 thoughts on “Menopause Brain”

  1. LOL! It happens, don’t worry about it too much! I love you even if you forget things, just don’t forget who I am! Love YOU, Mel

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