Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. If you had known what they knew then, would you have boarded the Mayflower?

I would hope I would be that brave. I’d like to think so.

2. How far have you traveled on a boat and how do you feel about boats in general?

Hubby and I had a sailboat when we first married and we sailed from Miami, Florida to Maine and then back to Miami, Florida. We’ve also cruised from Puerto Rico through the Panama Canal to Mexico, and gone from Seattle to Alaska and back. We love the water, or at least Hubby does and I do when I have my seasickness patch on.

3. What traditions have you kept, acquired thru marriage, and/or tossed? If you’re single what are some of your family’s favorite Thanksgiving traditions?

Since we were older when we got married and I was already set in my ways, as far as what I cook and how I cook it, we pretty much just have had what I have always made. Hubby’s Mom did love her sage and summer savory dressing, so I do add those herbs to my stuffing so Hubby will feel comfortable with it, but…the main ingredient are the roasted chestnuts that is a family tradition of mine!

4. What time is dinner and how many will be round your table? And what is the one side dish you cannot do without on Thanksgiving day?

We usually eat about 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Chestnut dressing is the side dish that I MUST have or it just doesn’t feel like Thanksgiving. The other one is butternut squash prepared with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon.

This year it is just me and my Hubby for dinner. I still have gotten everything for a traditional turkey dinner, as I believe in being thankful for all that we have. Also, a Thanksgiving meal is my favorite!

Yes, I know it goes against all I believe in to ask for ‘just one’, but I made up for it by asking three questions here.

5. Have you ever used a fire extinguisher? Do tell….

No. So far I have never started a kitchen fire.

6. Tell about a situation that caused you dreadful trepidation and feet dragging, only to realize later it was a true blessing.

I am one of those people who tends to jump in feet first, so I haven’t had a lot of those moments. Perhaps it was going to my first Weight Watchers meeting three years ago. I just dreaded it so much. When I weighed in, I cried. However, Weight Watchers has been so good for me. It has taught me to control my food, that I am not the only one out there struggling and the beautiful, wonderful, people I have met have blessed my my life!

7. Baked, sweet, mashed, hash browned or french fried…which one’s your favorite?

Mashed Yukon Gold potatoes. The best hands down, and that is on our Thanksgiving menu too!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

As our Thanksgiving Day draws near in the USA, I am ever so grateful for a loving family, good friends and the sweetest dogs on earth. My life is not exactly as I had dreamed it would be, when I was a little girl, but I am blessed.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Macys dackel

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. Those are my favorite potatoes and are on our menu too! We’re a smaller group than normal this year but I’m still making everything I normally make…I love Thanksgiving…hope yours is a happy one!

  2. Since we don’t celebrate Thankgiving, I’ll have a piece of your turkey virtually ! My ancestors stayed here as the Mayflower was not a cruise ship !

  3. It will be just my husband and I too. We will be having all the fixings. On Friday we are going to our sons condo for a dinner with his girlfriends family. Lots to eat having it two days in a row. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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