My Mind…It’s A Terrible Thing To Lose!

I had a rough day on Monday. Not that there was anything particularly bad. It’s just that things weren’t exactly as easy as they usually are.

Ah yes, beware of anything that says it will be easy to accomplish, or anything that was super easy when you were 20 years old. Being over 50 and sometimes a bit dense, can make for a frustrating day.

First, I was working on Christmas cards. One particular card’s envelopes were proving really hard to close, as if the glue had gone bad. I was really going nuts, mumbling under my breath, when suddenly I noticed that it was a peel and stick envelope! I felt totally stupid.

Next, I put up a few more decorations for Christmas, and I was looking for my Christmas Tree Ornament box. I couldn’t find it! I climbed back up into the attic and I searched and searched. I’ve decided we have far too may boxes of useless crap up there, and it needs to be gone through and thrown out or donated, but it does not need to take up space in my attic, where I can’t stand up anyway.

Still no ornaments!

I wondered who would want to steal my ornaments? What on earth could I have done with them? You see, we never put the tree up last year, due to the fact that I had to have eye surgery 5 days before Christmas. We are going back 2 years. I’m lucky if I can remember where I took my shoes off the night before, so going back two years is a real stretch for me!

I was really going crazy about this, so I called my sister on my cell phone, while I continued the search. I told her how upset I was and I couldn’t figure out what happened to them. She listened, patiently, and then as if she took my hand and guided it to the box, there were my ornaments, right at my finger tips!

I was too tired by then to put up the tree and do the ornaments, but everything is ready now for Wednesday, when I plan to spend the afternoon putting up our tree.

Meanwhile, the Christmas cards are done and I will be mailing them all tomorrow! It’s not too late for anyone who might want a Dackel Princess Christmas letter. Make a comment and I will be in touch to get your address.

6 thoughts on “My Mind…It’s A Terrible Thing To Lose!”

  1. If this what has happened to you is a sign of age, then I was born old ! My whole life I was always looking for something ! and the thing with the envelops would be completely normal with me. I had folded and glued 9 little birthday boxes together (for Toby) before I realized that they stick together from alone without glue when you fold them properly (I had to do 40 !) ! And don’t laugh, in my computer is a list “Where to find” : Christmas stuff …. Easter stuff …. Autumn stuff…. otherwise I would never find them after a year ! Don’t even think about 2 years, lol !
    If you don’t mind that I won’t reply with a postcard I would love to have a Christmas card from you.

  2. I can relate on many levels : ) How nice to have your cards done…I’m away this weekend so that will be next week’s job. Most of our decorating is done so that feels good. I still have a lot of shopping to do.

  3. My tree is up too. Needs decorating though. I´m glad I downsized the tree. It doesn´t seem quite as much work to decorate now. Glad you had your sister to call.

  4. I love the part about the envelopes that wouldn’t stick. That is so funny!!! Glad I could help find the ornaments!!! Love YOU, Mel

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