Thursday Thirteen

The Christmas Countdown Edition…


1. My Christmas cards are signed and the Christmas letter has been placed inside them, and they are now wending their ways around the world!

2. My shelves and mantle are now decorated for the Christmas Season. This year I put up a series of little Angels that I have collected over the years on the mantle.

3. My little mini Christmas tree is up with all the dackel ornaments that I have collected around the world!

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4. My tree still is not up. Saturday? I am not sure. I hope so, though. I can hardly wait to see it again with all the lights and little ornaments from all my travels.

5. I’ve collected ornaments whenever I travel to remind me of the people and places I have been.

6. Although one of my favorite decorations is a chipmunk in a nut cracker! I love that one! Isn’t this adorable?

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7. I made 6 dozen cookies for the charity event this weekend, and I have not had one of them, even though I made my favorite cookies! Snickerdoodles!

8. This is another one of my favorite decorations. Hubby gave it to me the first year we were married. He’d gone off on a trip to Guatemala and brought it back for me.

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9. Hubby helped me do some post-Thanksgiving grocery shopping today. Needless to say, he did not want to eat any more turkey for a while!

10. We have no snow. This is most distressing, especially when we have large amounts of rain, like we did today. Then they cannot make snow. Shoot! We want to ski!

11. How are you all doing with your Christmas shopping? I am about 75% done. I need to get a few more things and then wrap them up.

12. I am a terrible wrapper. I wish I could wrap presents and make them look picture perfect. Alas, I am not very talented. Martha Stewert doesn’t have to worry that I will be taking her place on “How To Decorate And Wrap Your Gifts”.

13. I need to ask Hubby what he wants me to cook for Christmas. What do you all cook for the holidays?

6 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen”

  1. Very cute decorations, but this tree from Guatemala is real special ! I finished my decorations too and yesterday it had snowed we almost missed the concert of Elton John in Brussels which I had booked in August !! From Waterloo to Brussels usually half an hour drive it took us nearly 2 h but we (Dominique and I) arrived in time ! Today when I saw in the News all what had happened on the streets it was a real miracle that we slipped through without any problems !
    Christmas shopping I do the whole year and put the things aside, so when everybody hurries in the shops and they are full, I have my presents all in the guest room !

  2. Beautiful xmas decorations!! our traditional xmas dinner is cheese fondue…with real French cheeses bought at the local cooperative. Traditionally we celebrate xmas in the French Alps.
    And, like Gattina, I shop throughout the year. I am done!!

  3. we still stuggle with the hot turkey lunch with baked vegies, pudding and custard….even thought its normally stinking hot: 42degC last year I had all our families (minus my sister, brother in law and the 2 boys), 18 of ous on the day in our holiday shack all squished in and the verandah certainly had a good workout that day.
    This I am taking the year off and we have booked lunch out just us and the mother in law and her sister. My folks will be over with my sister and her extended family in Western Australia. Brody will be 4 in early January so it will still be a fun kiddie christmas for us!

  4. A baked ham with Marmalade glaze, a chopped salad and usually a trifle and christmas pud and custard! My son was diagnosed with Coeliac’s Disease this year so we will be trying to find Gluten Free options. Like annali, we are in Australia, so no hot meals for us!!

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