Friday Fill-Ins

Friday Fill-Ins

Friday Fill-Ins are sponsored by my cousin Janet. Come on and join the fun!

1. Up the creek.

2. This cold seems to be going around.

3. Coats and scarves, mittens and boots: and sometimes, even those aren’t enough to keep you warm.

4. I sure could use a nice back rub.

5. I’m thinking about the vegetable stir fry I’m making for dinner tonight.

6. I tend to be a little bit of a Hermit.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to a fire in the hearth, tomorrow my plans include the usual laundry but this time I need to go out to the laundromat to do some heavy blankets and Sunday, I want to sip hot coffee, read the newspaper, and plan the week ahead!

4 thoughts on “Friday Fill-Ins”

  1. We have a Holiday party for Ron’s new job tonight and then Luke’s basket ball game and I have church on Sunday while everyone else goes skiing. Love YOU, Mel

  2. Dave’s making cornish game hens tonight, tomorrow we might be going to dinner with his daughter, Sunday I’m prepping for Monday’s colonoscopy, what fun!

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