Saturday Happenings!

Something kind of wonderful happened today, and I can’t really talk about it yet. You will hear about it in the future, but for now, just know that I smiled most of the day with a special secret.

We had a day where our temperatures were high enough to allow for some melting, and the roads were clear. Hubby did some more snow removal in key areas, and once again I watched every cooking show known to man, as I did my house work. It helps to give me ideas for new meals to cook.

For instance, Saturday night I am cooking a meatloaf, made from a recipe I found on the Food Channel. Now I hope this is a good meatloaf, because it took me well over an hour just to chop up all the vegetables that go into this meatloaf. I like to think of this as the “Everything But The Kitchen Sink Meatloaf”! I really hope it is good. If it is, I will post the link to the recipe, as it is a copy  write-ed recipe.

I was flipping through TV guide when I noticed that my new favorite TV show, “From Larkrise to Candleford” is not on tonight! What? They are having fund-raising TV crap on instead! I am not happy, as now I must wait until next week for another episode.

Okay, I hope you are all sitting down. Here is the up to date latest. I actually finished all of my laundry! Ha! I knew I could do it if I just set my mind to it!

Some good friends of ours slipped away and tied the knot! The bride and groom both wore flannel shirts and jeans and life is good! Congratulations to Lou and Mary and our wishes for happiness always!

Love is grand!!!

8 thoughts on “Saturday Happenings!”

  1. Okay, spill it! No way can you tease us with a special secret and leave it there, come on now!! Love YOU, Mel

  2. Oooh, I’ve got a guess!

    How funny about the wedding – I heard they sent out an announcement about how they’d caught up on chores and so why not go get married LOL.

    (Psst… I’ve got a giveaway going for a $50 gift certificate – swing by my blog for a chance to win.)

    My photography is available for purchase – visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

  3. OMG ! I forgot the laundry today ! I am so distracted with all what had happened, I am impossible, I forget everything ! I locked myself out when I came back from the movies tonight and had to wake up Mr. G who wasn’t happy at all ! In the afternoon the phone was ringing near me I looked everywhere, the answering machine went on and then I realized I was sitting on the receiver ! Want to hear more ???

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