Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. The season of Lent begins on March 9th this year…do you participate and if so, in what way?

I used to, but since joining Weight Watchers, I sort of feel like I’ve given up most of the things I would ordinarily have given up. Perhaps I will use the time to be contentious with the plan.

2. Traditionally pancakes are eaten on the day known as Shrove Tuesday which is the last day before Lent (March 8th this year). So….butter and syrup? Blueberry? Chocolate chip? ewww, no thanks!! What’s your pleasure when it comes to eating pancakes?
I love pancakes. I love blueberry the best, but with real maple syrup. I also love banana fritters, once again with real maple syrup!
3. Spring is coming. (It is coming, right?) What’s your favorite springtime flower and do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Two questions I know, but they’re lightweights.
I love Lilacs! Also Forsythia! I also love the greening of the trees. Do I have allergies? Oh yes, I certainly do!
4. “Our opinion of people depends less upon what we see in them than upon what they make us see in ourselves.” Author unknown. Agree or Disagree? Why?
I actually don’t agree. I see people as they are. (At least I try to.) I do try to see myself apart from others. Now if I see a characteristic that I like in someone, I may try to determine how to change and incorporate that into my own personality. Likewise, if I see something I do not like, if it is severe enough then I would pass on the friendship. Mostly, (I hope) I am open-minded enough to enjoy all sorts of people.
5. Since it’s “March” and also the season of Mardi Gras….have you ever been in a parade? What’s the best parade you’ve seen?
Yes, I’ve been in many parades, when I was a kid. It was fun. Especially the parades I was in with my High School Band!
6. You would jump up and down and shout for joy right now if someone told you_
I was going on vacation to a warm and wonderful place. Or perhaps over to see my friend in Germany or another friend in Australia.
7. How clean is your car on the outside? Inside? Is there junk in your trunk?
My current car (the old Jeep), is covered with salt right now and looks terrible. I plan to wash it today. The inside is completely clean, even under the seats, as everything went forward Monday after I hit the snow bank. It was amazing all the stuff I found when I got home and was taking everything out of the car.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Joanne continues to amaze us all with her progress, but she has so far to go, and both pain and depression really get her down. Please pray for her to have relief from her pain (it’s a balancing act, because they don’t want to give her too much pain medication, as this will slow her recovery), and peace in her heart, mind and soul, while she recovers.She is such a brave young woman, and she is in the fight of her life!

God Bless you, Joanne!

3 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. I’d take a vacation somewhere warm and sunny right now too! And lilacs are some of my favorites…we had two lilac trees in our English garden and the smell was amazing.

    Have a nice day!

  2. #4 was a weird question. I didn’t answer it. I love Forsythia, I miss them, we don’t have them in CA. Keeping Joanne in my prayers.

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