The End Of A Long Week

On Friday, April 1st, April Fools Day, one of our nicest ski areas had lift tickets for $1.00! Since I am married to the cheapest man on earth, I knew we would be going to ski on this day. What I did not know was that we would be in the middle of a fierce snow storm, which closed all the schools in the state. So, it seemed like every kid that could find someone to drive him/her, was at Waterville Valley. What an event.

Hubby and I left here about 7:30 in the morning. Usually it takes 40 minutes to get there, but it took us over an hour due to the terrible road conditions. Hubby is a great driver, but I was scared to death! I was nearly hyperventilating as we drove.

Once we arrived, the snow was still falling heavily, and we parked (great spot) and began to get our gear together. A young man, probably 15 or 16years old, carrying a snowboard, came up to me and asked if I planned to ski? Why yes, I said. So he handed me a ticket.

Here, I said. Let me give you the dollar. He smiled and shook his head no and walked away. I now take back every rotten thing I have ever said about snowboarders!

Once we had donned our ski gear we headed out. Hopped the lift and went up. Hubby suggested that we go over to a wide open area where I could get used to the clumpy powdery snow.

Well, I did a lot of complaining. I was so afraid I would fall and hurt my knee again. I simply couldn’t relax. Poor Hubby. He managed to get me down and then we headed over to the kiddy ski hill. I could handle that with the clumpy powdery conditions! But I felt bad for Hubby. Skiing with boring old me! So I sent him off to a diamond trail and told him we would meet at the top of the kiddy lift. I skied down, and then got in line, got on the lift, alone (no one wanted to sit with me), and headed back up. The the lift jerked and STOPPED!

I waited and waited and waited and nothing! Hubby was suddenly below, skiing by. I yelled to him and he said to wait at the top of the lift.

So, what did I think, as I dangled there waiting for the lift to start?

  1. I was close to a tower so they could rope me in to get me down.
  2. I was starting to get cold.
  3. I had to go to the bathroom. Actually I didn’t, but I don’t know why, when you don’t have the option of going to a bathroom, you feel like you have to go!
  4. Who would feed and walk the dackels and Fritz if I was stuck forever?

I’m sure I thought about more things, but then suddenly the lift did start and I reached the top of the kiddy hill. I did dangle there a good 15 minutes, and with no one to talk to!

By the time Hubby and I hooked up again we were both cold, wet and unwilling to stand in a long lift line, so by 11:00 we left to come home.

The dackels and Fritz were happy to see us, and the house was warm and inviting! I made us lunch and then Hubby went to get rid of the slush in our driveway while I figured out dinner.

Neither Hubby or I played a practical joke on each other. We just felt that Mother Nature had played one on the entire state of New Hampshire!

And the kids of New Hampshire, really loved it!

10 thoughts on “The End Of A Long Week”

  1. What an adventure ! I wouldn’t have set one foot outside under these circumstances ! Your hubby is a courageous man, lol !

  2. We had snow all day but the roads stayed mostly clear…no shoveling or plowing required. I think its supposed to warm up a bit next week so hopefully everything will melt for good!

  3. You’re a good sport Maribeth, I’d have bailed long before that LOL.

    It’s supposed to storm here again all this week. I am highly unimpressed with Mother Nature this year!

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  4. What a day you had! Great price for skiing. At least you tried. I agree about having to go potty, that’s why I have to be on the isle when I fly!!! Hope you have a nice weekend.

  5. OMG, I would’ve completely freaked out dangling there on the lift. I am terrified of heights and that would have added to my fear. Of course, being as I hate the cold, I probably would have been sitting inside the lodge near the fireplace waiting for him anyway. 😉

  6. Oh my gosh! I am laughing SO HARD!!! This entire story is just hysterical! And I LOVE snowboarders! BOTH of my boys snowboard! LOL! I’m not a BIT surprised at that young man! (I’d be surprised if he gave you a $12 lift ticket!) 🙂 I can just picture you dangling there with NO ONE TO TALK TO! hahahaha…. you tickle me!

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