What I Did This Passed Weekend

Miss Marple 2

Our host is Gattina. Come join us and tell us what YOU did this past weekend! After all, you never know when you will need an alibi!


On Saturday, i thought I was going to get a lot done. I brought down all the laundry, changed the sheets, etc, but somehow lost momentum and ended the day feeling lazy and quiet. I made a meatloaf and Hubby’s favorite mashed potatoes and then we sat down and enjoyed two episodes of “From Lark Rise to Candleford”, before I fell asleep.

I woke on Sunday to the gloom and rain of the day. I made coffee, strong and hot, and then settled in to read the newspaper. Eventually Hubby got up and the day began. The sun came out, it warmed up and turned into quite a lovely day.

Now, I’d thought that Sunday would be the lazy day, but today I actually had a lot of energy and I wrote three letters (by hand, which is not easy for my slightly arthritic fingers)  and paid bills. I also fulfilled Anneliese’s greatest wish of the day…I took her on a one mile walk. She was very good and we had a really great time, except when she saw that one squirrel, she just wanted it so badly! Thankfully she was on a leash so, all was well.

Hubby and I also worked cleaning out the formal dining room. In a house this big your formal rooms often equal rooms that you sort of dump “store” things in. Today we not only worked to organize, but we dusted and cleaned as well.

Friday I made a great new recipe for a slow cooked pork roast. I’ll share it tomorrow. All I can say is..EASY &…YUM!!!

Have a great Monday everyone!

4 thoughts on “What I Did This Passed Weekend”

  1. We had monsoons here on Saturday but we got a lot done around the house. Yesterday was sunny but crazy windy. We went to church and then took the MG out for a spin while the sun was shining. It’s out today but the rest of the week isn’t looking so good. They’re starting our patio today so we’d love to have two weeks of dry skies.

    Have a nice week!

  2. It was a good weekend here and busy too. We went and saw Jane Eyre and visited family for pizza dinner and birthday cake. Then we had church and a lovely Lamb dinner last night! Love YOU, Mel

  3. I baked three cakes on Saturday! In the evening we had our friends over for game night. That was fun. Sunday we visited with our in laws. They are always waiting for the “kids” to come over.
    This week will be busy, preparing for the long weekend holidays.
    Have a good week!

  4. and I was and am still visiting little towns and villages, the sea and yachts and always think that I am in Italy, lol ! Tonight we will have a raclette/pirade tonight !

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