About A Girl

It’s been a long time since I felt this strange pressure about writing a report. It isn’t necessarily a bad pressure, just that I need to get it done, and I need it to be good. So, I have been working three days on it, taking a few hours off, here and there, and then back to the computer I go.

You know, it’ll be 35 years this summer since I graduated from High School. In High School my favorite classes were Chorus and Band, so you can guess that I was not a natural student.

My mother, for some reason I have never been able to fathom, used to tell people that I was both incredibly smart and a natural student. I used to look around for this child of hers, because it sure wasn’t me!

I’ve gone back in my mind to think, what would I have done, if my life had taken a different turn. What could I have been? I loved children, so perhaps an Elementary School Teacher, or a Child Psychologist. Something where I could have helped little kids.

However, I was not necessarily a natural student and I really did find it difficult to learn. Honest to goodness, I never got Algebra! I have somehow gone through life and now, here I am at 52 and I am a Secretary, taking notes and writing reports.

Oh, how I wish I had paid more attention in stenography and typing class!

6 thoughts on “About A Girl”

  1. I am with you on the algebra bit! I was a pretty good student, but not in class involving math.

  2. I feel your pain with the algebra business. I still panic when I think about word problems in math. I used to have horrible nightmares before every math exam in school. And, just like I thought back then: I’ve never needed to use that stuff in real life :o)

  3. I really don’t know how I got through high school math and the math courses I had to take in college. My husband was truly overjoyed when I graduated….weird thing was I graduated with honors.

    The plum trees are so beautiful. The fruit trees in our area have already bloomed and most of the flowers, too. It is still cool so it is really pretty outside now.

  4. Although I didn’t like going to school much, I loved the academic part of school. I still do, that’s partly why I keep taking classes. The one thing I hated were word problems of any kind. I loved any math that contained no word problems. Maybe i was just never taught how to do them properly. I don’t use any of that in “real life” though. I do use the writing and researching skills I learned. Interesting how things go!

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