I Am….

I worked today helping out a friend at her store. She needed me to clean and answer the phone for her. Well, I started in cleaning and three and a half hours later, the place looked fabulous and smelled great. As I sat down to have a coffee break, I noted that I really need to do the same thing at my house.

Why is it that my house is not as clean as my friend’s shop? Well it could be because of the computer. I’m afraid I spend way too much time on my computer. I love it..I love communicating. I love watching the world go round. I love my computer.

What I need to do is learn to limit. I need to limit the time on the computer until I get my house in shape, and then after that, I need to tell myself no computer time until I get my housework done each day.

So, there you have it. I’m finally admitting it.

I am a computer junkie!

6 thoughts on “I Am….”

  1. There is a blog named “The dust can wait” and it was created especially because the dust can wait ! The Blogger’s philosophy was, that she prefered to write and communicate then dusting. Since I am not working anymore I do things just when I am in the mood. Now to be honnest I have a cleaning lady who comes once a week for 4 h !

  2. Love the picture from yesterday! Yes, I think the computer eats up so much of our time. Love YOU, Mel

  3. Gattina has it right! Actually, lady, you do more house cleaning than anyone I know…including ME! :-)s

  4. Junkie here too. I just keep putting it of for the computer or the kindle…I did clean out two closets yesterday. Does that count?

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