Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. What is the most useful book in your house?

I hate to say this, but the instruction guide to our new TV’s remote control. I am still trying to figure out all the bells and whistles of this new TV.

2. What’s worse-being too hot or too cold?

Too hot. Being too cold requires that you just add a layer of clothing. Being too hot is a whole other story. You simply have no where to go after removing your under wear!

3. Share something that made you smile this past weekend.

The return of my neighbor’s grandchildren! We’ve known them since they were little and they both love the dogs! They came right down as soon as they arrived! I cannot believe how they have grown and how the dogs recognized them right away!

4. How do you like your hamburgers? Or don’t you?

I love hamburgers! I like mine on a nice roll, with cheddar cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, mayonnaise, ketchup and sweet pepper relish!

5. What’s your summer beach read? If it’s not summer in your part of the world then tell us what book you’re reading in front of the fire while sipping hot cocoa.

I need to get a book and start reading. I have been far too lazy this summer with reading, but with my vision so compromised, I just haven’t been able to get into a book. Perhaps I should do something like assign myself 10 pages a day and see how it goes!

6. How was your birthday celebrated when you were a kid?

I don’t recall my birthdays much as a kid.  It is a week before Thanksgiving, and a month before Christmas, so I don’t think much was made of it. As a teen I had a few slumber parties. Always, I had chocolate cake with white frosting. Sometimes butter cream, but my favorite is a simple white decorator’s frosting.

7. What’s something that is totally uncool that you love anyway?

Romantic stories. I used to read them, “Penny Dreadfuls” as Hubby called them. But I loved losing myself in romance! Now  I watch romantic movies and I love them! Yeah, that is totally uncool! LOL

8. Insert your own random thought here.

A few of you had questions about my spiny, spiky, cucumber. This morning I had three of them ready to pick, so I stopped and photographed the spikes once I got into the house.

July 04 11 017

You can see the little spikes on the cucumber. Let me assure you, that it really hurts when they pierce your skin, very much like a cactus.

July 04 11 019

Here are the three cucumbers I picked on Tuesday morning.  They are about 12 inches long. I told Hubby he should make his cucumber salad with these as I will have two or three more tomorrow.

Also Happy Birthday to Gattina over at Writers Cramps! Go on over and wish her a Happy Birthday!

9 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. Do you have trouble with your eyes on the computer too? My vision is definitely not what it once was.

    My sisters birthday is right after Christmas but she always insists we make a big fuss : )

  2. My Slug traps worked and they are loaded with nasty little slugs this morning. I will be picking the boys up and I’ll let them help me clean them out. Tonight we load them up with more beer (bait) and keep them from eating my veggies. Sorry slugs! Be warned and pack your bags now or down in beer. Love YOU, Mel

  3. I totally do not agree on Nr. 2. 🙂 You can only put on so many layers, then you can´t move anymore… I guess it´s what you´re used to.
    Those cukes look really good!

  4. I can’t fall asleep without reading first, so I have a big book consumption ! Dario and annex is coming on Friday to celebrate my birthday ! Hope she behaves ! otherwise I kick her out !

  5. Maribeth, have you thought about trying a Kindle for reading? You can change the font size and they are not backlit or shiny, so it look like a page, very very easy on the eyes. I can readon the beach easily. I LOVE mine and have read so much more. If your eyes get tired, you can switch on the “text to speech” feature and listen. The voices are computerized, but not bad at all, especially if you adjust the speed. You may be pleasantly surprised, especially if you love to read. Another option is to listen to audio books. I started driving a lot for work about 3 years ago and they are a life saver. I listen to authors I would never read, because listening is a whole different experience. Good while gardening and working in the yard too!

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