Counting Down…

I’m counting down the days until I leave for a trip to Cape Cod. You all know that I grew up there, and mostly I do not think about it. I don’t miss it. But for some unknown reason, this year I have found my heart yearning for the Cape, for Falmouth, where I spent the first 20 years of my life, and gave birth to both of my children.

Monday morning I climbed up into our attic and found my long forgotten beach chairs. I mean, who uses beach chairs in the mountains of New Hampshire? I found my beach blanket, and I scored my beach umbrella as well! I have a great cooler, and plan to spend as much time as I can on the beach with Janet. Of course on Saturday night I go to my High School Reunion, and I want to drive by the houses I once lived in, but most of all, I want to be at the beach.

My beach! Surf Drive Beach!!!

Growing up it was a quick five minute walk from my house and of all the beaches in the world, Surf Drive Beach is my “Home Beach”!

It’s where I learned to swim, played freely and wildly, learned to dive off the raft and later as a teen, it is where I met up with my friends and boys I went to school with. I took my girls there as well, when they were babies.


I got out my suit case and started to pack it, giving Hubby a fashion show of my new dress. He loved it! I love it as well. I feel really pretty in it!

Can you tell I am excited?

7 thoughts on “Counting Down…”

  1. I loved my 50th class reunion in the spring and looked forward to it very much. We had a great turn out. I think everyone agreed that we had a good time and looking forward to a “mini” next month.

  2. How nice for you to go away for some days and enjoy your childhood places ! I will meet with Janice from Jabblog tomorrow in Oxford ! We had a thunderstorm tonight and I couldn’t go out.

  3. you do sound so excited…….do enjoy every moment, and most important: plan your next trip back before you leave so leaving will be so much easier and less emotional……….cheers

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