Sometimes You Can’t Win

Did you ever have a day that just plain started out bad and kept getting worse? Well, my Saturday has been like that, and at this point I am afraid of what will come next.

No need to fear, I just fell into Fritz’s dog food and smashed my knee!

Let’s go back to this morning and I will fill you in.

I woke about 4 AM in pain. My left hip is giving me trouble and it was quite sore today. I managed to rearrange the dackels, and go to sleep on my right hip. Then that hip gave out. I turned onto my back and was drifting back to sleep when Greta barked to go out

So up I got to put her out. All the dogs followed and my dream of more sleep evaporated!

I came out to make coffee and was emptying the dishwasher. As I began to load the dishwasher with dishes left over from last night, I started to lower the upper rack to accommodate the champagne flutes. That’s when the plastic mechanism snapped leaving my upper rack permanently down!

Now I love Hubby more than words, but when crap like this happens, he will say things like “why’s you do this?” Like I had any control over the sill plastic.

Then as I slid the bottom shelf of the dishwasher in…a wheel broke too!

All through breakfast I worried. How would I tell Hubby about my “plastics problems”? I really was worried.

We watered the garden and the potted plants, and I started to make chili to freeze for the winter. At least that went well. I seem to be able to slice and dice vegetables with little to no damage. (I mean we won’t count the time I nearly cut off a finger when I was boning a turkey!)

Around lunch time I decided that I need to break it to Hubby about the stupid dish washer. He actually handled it better than I thought he would!!! Parts have now been ordered and should be here by weeks end.

About the time I was ready to sit down to eat my lunch, Anneliese vomited on a throw carpet in the kitchen. Oh joy! I do not have a strong stomach! Usually it’s me cleaning it up, trying not to throw up myself!

I worked all evening on my report and have it mostly done. I will do a thorough rewrite tomorrow and make sure that all my i’s are dotted and my t’s crossed!

Now if I can just make it to bed before another thing breaks, or throws up, I will be doing well.

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