Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. Do you think the world became a more dangerous place on September 11, 2001 or did we just become more aware of the danger? How has your own life changed as a result of that day?

I think we became more aware of the danger. At least I did. I’m afraid I wore rose colored glasses much of the time. Especially after the break-up of the USSR. Having grown up during the Cold War, I always considered them the enemy. But as I sat in front of my TV set on September 11, 2001, I felt battered, bruised and as if part of me died too.

2. Did you think your parents were too strict when you were growing up? How about in hindsight?

My parent’s did the best they could. I did an awful lot to escape their notice. As I was an after thought child, neither one of them quite knew what to do with me.

3. Share one random but candid fact about yourself.

It is hard for me to get close to people, as I fear losing those I love, more than anything else.

4. Would your nearest and dearest describe you as simple or far too complicated?

Oh, way too complicated!

5. What is your favorite stadium or carnival food?

I totally love hot-dogs with mustard and relish. I also love fried dough, and kettle corn! Did I mention I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers?

6. Tornado, hurricane, earthquake…how many of these natural disasters have you experienced? Which event do you think would be the scariest?

I was in a minor earth quake, a no-name hurricane and lived in an area with tornadoes. I say I’m afraid of all of them. I am a big chicken! I would far rather be in a blizzard than in any of those.

7. Labor Day weekend is approaching so a work related question seems appropriate. Growing up, did your parents assign you regular chores? Were you paid for doing those chores? If you’re a parent do you assign chores to your own children?

I did dishes, by hand, usually with my sister, before we had a dish washer. I did not get paid. I also did laundry for the family, and no, no payment. I did have the girls do chores and they got a small allowance.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I am on my way to Connecticut to my nephews wedding. I will also be spending time with my sister, mother, and nephews and nieces and grand nephews and nieces! What fun! I’m giving myself plenty of time for the drive as many roads are washed out, or closed due to Tropical Storm Irene.

I’m really excited about the wedding, and having sister time with Mel. Hubby is staying home with the pooches,  and will keep the home fires burning until I return!

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. My biggest fear is losing the ones I love too.
    I just don’t allow myself to think about it.

    Just today I watched pictures from our Namibia holiday 2006 and USA 2009 with my parents. I haven’t seen my Mom like that in ages. And I am afraid to forget how she was “before”.

  2. Have a wonderful time at the wedding Maribeth! I love weddings. We still have road issues too. One of the major highways had the guardrail and a portion of the left lane go into the river. It is going to be closed for a long time and take months to repair. It is a real problem for commuters!

  3. Sounds like you had a hard childhood. I´m sorry.
    I made my girls do chores too, even though we always had a maid (they are very cheap over here).
    Hope you have an awesome time with your sister at the wedding!

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