September 11, 2011 Ten Years

I think we all can tell you where we were, and what we were doing on that fateful day, ten years ago.

September 11, 2001

It was a beautiful day here in New Hampshire. Sunny, bright, clear with blue skies. I was taking a shower getting ready for a dental appointment, while Hubby was working on shingling the house. It was a day like any other here.
Hubby had the TV in our bedroom pointed out the window so he could listen to the morning news.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my arm and Hubby told me I had to get out of the shower now, something was happening. I was a little dazed and confused. I shut the water in the shower off and grabbed my towel.


Hubby and I sat in our family room watching Fox News, ABC, and CNN. A plane had hit one of the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center in downtown New York City.



While we watched, suddenly another plane came in and hit the other Tower!
We were both in shock. We listened to reports. No one was saying terrorism, not at first. But both Hubby and I knew.


We watched the Tower’s come down one and then the other. We knew people had died. We just didn’t know how many.

At 12:30 I drove to my dental appointment. There was not another car on the road. Not one. I got to my dental appointment and found that I was the only patient that hadn’t cancelled that day.
When I got home we watched the TV all day. I called my family and my close friends. Just to hear their voices.

It doesn’t matter your political affiliations, or how you feel about the war.
What matters is on September 11, 2001 innocent people died in New York City, In Washington, DC and in Shanksville, PA.

People like you and like me. Just because they were Americans.
That was the day I learned that we are no longer safe here at home.


I also learned that when our country is attacked in such a manner, we pull together and unify.

God Bless all who lost their lives that day, and all who serve this country each and every day to protect and defend us.

September 11, 2001: Basic Facts

8:46 AM Plane crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center.
9:03 AM Plane crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center.
9:17 AM The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) shuts down all New York City area airports.
9:21 AM The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) halts all flights at U.S. airports. It is the first
time in history that air traffic has been halted nationwide.
9:38 AM Plane crashes into the Pentagon. Evacuation begins immediately.
9:45 AM The White House evacuates.
10:05 AM The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses.
10:10 AM A portion of the Pentagon collapses.
10:10 AM Plane crashes in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
10:22 AM The State and Justice Departments, as well as the World Bank are evacuated.
10:28 AM The World Trade Center’s north tower collapses.
10:45 AM All federal office buildings in Washington, D.C. are evacuated.
1:44 PM Five warships and two aircraft carriers are ordered to leave the U.S. Naval Station
in Norfolk, Virginia to protect the East Coast.
4:10 PM Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapses.

The Flights
American Airlines Flight 11
From: Boston, Massachusetts (Logan Airport)
To: Los Angeles, California
Lives: 92 people on board
Crashed into North Tower of World Trade Center at 8:46 AM

United Airlines Flight 175
From: Boston, Massachusetts (Logan Airport)
To: Los Angeles, California
Lives: 65 people on board
Crashed into South Tower of World Trade Center at 9:03 AM

American Airlines Flight 77
From: Washington, D.C. (Dulles Airport)
To: Los Angeles, CA
Lives: 64 people on board
Crashed into the Pentagon at 9:38 AM

United Airlines Flight 93
From: Newark, New Jersey
To: San Francisco, California
Lives: 44 people on board
Crashed into rural Pennsylvania (southeast of Pittsburgh)

Victims came from more than 90 countries around the world.
The following are the number of people who died at each site:

World Trade Center 2,823 (includes airline passengers)
Pentagon 125 (not including plane victims)
Flight 11 – 92 people on board
Flight 175 – 64 people on board
Flight 77 – 64 people on board
Flight 93 – 44 people on board

The initial numbers are indelible: 8:46 a.m. and 9:02 a.m. Time the burning towers stood: 56 minutes and 102 minutes. Time they took to fall: 12 seconds. From there, they ripple out.

Fact Sheet
U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC
August 15, 2002

8 thoughts on “September 11, 2011 Ten Years”

  1. Today 10 years ago when we were watching news our hearts stopped to beat and we could not believe what happens….
    First we did not realize it is a terror attack…,but, when the second plane hit the tower we understand! Since then the life worldwide has changed. I am not a faithful person and I don´t understand that GOD allows such terrible, but, I really hope in future we won´t have to deal with other attacks like this. We are with you in our hearts and soul. Uschi and Volker

  2. I came back from my painting course and sat in my car listening to the radio. Suddenly the music was interrupted and I heard the News. I didn’t quiet understand except that something terrible had happened. I quickly drove home, switched on TV and saw the disaster ! Of course for the rest of the day we watched TV. Never will forget this day. I also wrote something about it.

  3. 9/11 is an emotional day for all Americans. However, never forget citizens of 90 other countries lost their lives in the WORLD Trade Center buildings. While the terrorists targeted the USA and its citizens, they effectively alienated countries all over the globe that assisted in eliminating terrorist mastermind osama bin laden from the face of the earth. (yes, no capitals as he does not deserve them!) Hopefully we have grown in vigilance and awareness without losing our uniqueness as citizens of the USA. However you choose to spend this day, the phrase is “never forget”: what can and might happen, nor those who paid the price for freedom in our country and that of other countries. New York,the Pentagon, Shanksville and other locations in the world have been touched by terror. Let us hope mankind matures and tolerance will replace hate.

  4. I was reading and the TV was running in he background. When the first plane hit I thought it was an action movie. I recognized it was more then that and thought of an accident.
    Until plane No. 2 hit.
    I stayed in front of the TV until 7 (German time) and then left for dinner with friends. We only talked about that topic.

  5. Excellent post. As I read these posts today I am feeling chills run throughout my body. I will never forget. I still find it hard to believe that those two buildings could collapse into almost nothing.

  6. i remember my parents were in VA at one of Dad’s ship reunions, and I slept in their bed for a few days, never turned the tv off when i was home.

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