Thursday Thirteen


The picture above was taken in Bavaria many years ago. That is Shubi by my feet, as I walked with a dear friend of ours, Otto, who is not longer in this world. Otto and his wife were the owners, not only of the original Shubi, but of my Shubi’s brother, Toni. Follow that? Okay, here are 13 things on my mind today. Most of it are total random thoughts.

  1. Hubby’s laptop got fried and he is in the process of having a new one installed. He also has viruses, and they will have to be removed before they can reinstall his programs.
  2. Which makes me wonder if I also have viruses on my laptop. I have antivirus programming on my machine, but…
  3. We are having lobster tonight, as my grocery store is having a big sale. Just $3.99 a pound! Woo-hoo!!
  4. I’ve heard that there are big changes happening on Facebook, but it has not happened to me…yet. I imagine by tomorrow it will.
  5. It’s apple season for us. Hubby brings in an apple or two a day and we share it with each other and the dackels! They love apples!
  6. Hubby has started chopping wood for the winter. This means that I should clean out the green house so we can get it ready to store the wood.
  7. Believe it or not I have several eggplants still growing in the garden!
  8. Soon I will need to go and simply pull all of the plants that have died off in the garden and then turn the soil.
  9. We’ve grown more Butternut Squash this year, than any other year. Last I counted it was 30!
  10. Unfortunately, corn season is over up here. I got a couple of ears at a local farm stand and they were just terrible. Ah well, it was great while it lasted! Until next year!!
  11. Did anyone watch the new Two and a Half Men the other night? Is it just me, or were you disappointed?
  12. Hubby has been peeling the last few peaches each night and then sets them in the fridge for our breakfast the next morning.
  13. I’m having lunch with a friend of mine today. I don’t get out too often with my friends, so I’m really looking forward to this.

Have a great Thursday everyone!

7 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen”

  1. The facebook change has hit my account, and no I didn’t like it. Did a workaround though and I like it much better now.

    Have fun with your friends!

  2. I go on Facebook only when they tell me that I haven’t been there for a long time, lol ! I still can’t handle it I never know where to comment, where to read and honnestly I don’t like it. I subscribed to see Dario’s pictures and suddenly I had over 100 people who wanted to be my friends !

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