Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Who taught you how to cook?

That’s an interesting question. My grandmother, my first mother in-law and then myself. So I guess it was a group effort.

2. Have you been told you think too much? Are too much of a perfectionist? Are too sensitive? Were they right?

Never have I been told I think too much. Probably the opposite. I don’t think enough. I am not a perfectionist. I wish I were, then the house hold crap would be done sooner and better! I am too sensitive. I get upset easily and I cry easily, and despite people thinking that it’s all a result of menopause, I was like this all my life.

3. As a child did you have a favorite blanket or toy? Tell about it.

Barbie. Loved them dearly.

4. What ‘institution’ do you have the most faith in?

The love of my God!

5. Chrysanthemums-pansies-burning bush-ornamental cabbage…your favorite in an autumn garden?

Burning Bush. I have one in front of my bedroom window.

6. What superpower do the kids in your neighborhood seem to posses?

Our neighborhood has advanced to teenagers, and so we don’t have any little kids. A few years back, they just seemed to revel in making the best out of the rain, or snow!

7. Are you a fan of the cranberry?

I was born and raised on Cape Cod. It’s really sort of the home of cranberries. Anyway, I LOVE cranberries! Sauce, juice or bread.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I have been thinking the last few days how lucky I am in this world. I have love, and caring people around me, a roof over my head and food to eat. Yes, life is good. I actually feel bad for Ms. Kardashian (see yesterday’s post), as she will never know real happiness or love. Those things cannot be bought, or rented. They are real.

8 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. One of these days I would like to see Cape Cod. I’m thinking about making some cranberry bread this weekend. I’ve seen them in the stores here now…always makes it feel like the holidays are officially upon us.

    I don’t get the Kardashian phenomenon. The story was on our local news again this morning. Why is it news? They are famous for being famous. I think the story is sad in many ways for sure but I don’t know why its so big.

    Have a great day!

  2. I so loved Barbie! Hey you should post about all that we did with our Barbies when we were kids. We sure had fun!!! Love YOU, Mel

  3. Enjoyed your blog. Your answer to 4 was spot on. Other institutions may disappoint or fail, but God will never fail us. Good to meet you, come visit me.

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