Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Of all the tools and gadgets you own which do you most enjoy using?

My Ronco Rotisserie Oven! I love making rotisserie chicken in it, and it also makes the best steaks!

2. When (if ever) is impatience a virtue?

I once arrived at a hospital, where Hubby had just had a knee replacement. He was running a fever, was lying in soiled wet sheets and was breaking out in hives because of it. Was I patient with the nursing staff? No way! I brought the roof down! I got the Head Nurse in, and I had LPN nurses cleaning his sheets and bathing him up. I told the Head Nurse I would be there each day from 6:30 AM until 9 PM and if my husband was not properly tended I would go to her boss! Needless to say, Hubby was well cared for, on this surgery and the next one he had! My advice…have your husband or wife be your advocate!

3. What temperature do you keep your thermostat set to in winter? Do you have another way to heat your house besides a furnace of some type?

Living area is set to 66-68. Our bedroom is set to 64 as I like cooler sleeping areas. In a bad situation, we can use the hearth to take the chill off of the house.

4. Do/did you have a close relationship with any of your grandparents?

Yes, my mother’s parents were very close to me. Although Papa was strict, he was loving, and Grandma was loving and always made me feel safe.

5. When did you last have a family portrait taken?

Well with my first family, it was many years ago. I think Mandy was 4 and Katie was 2. Since I married Hubby, we have really had no “family” shots. Just the two of us, which is just fine with me.

6. What does the word patriotism mean to you?

The love of Country. The belief in being grateful for all we have, and for the men and women who give their lives for the freedom for our country. I decided some time ago to thank every man and/or woman I see in uniform.

7. Do you like to play cards and if so, what’s your favorite card game?

I play solitaire every day. It’s so soothing.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Hubby and I will be taking a trip next March. We have a house sitter coming, and will be jetting off to Florida where we will catch a ship to the Western Caribbean! I’m so excited, and look forward to one week out of the cold, snow and morning dog walks!

7 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. March is definitely a great month for a holiday…I find the winter blues set in then because we usually get a tiny taste of spring and then a crazy cold snow. How fun to have something to look forward to!

  2. Dad always kept the thermostat to 68, must be that Yankee frugality. I keep it at 68 during the day, but when Dave comes home he cranks it to 74 (75 sometimes), he’s NOT a fan of cool weather!

  3. I always wanted one of those Rotisserie Ovens by Ronco. I think the hospital is where we have to be impatient! Do you play on the computer or with cards? Your trip sounds very exciting.

  4. We have one of those rotisseries too. Haven’t used it for awhile though. I need to get that back out.

    Hope you have an awesome cruise. I love the puppies in your header pictures. I love dachshunds. We had a black one growing up. She was the sweetest thing.

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