Thursday Thirteen


We’re due for some snow tonight, but to tell you the truth we still have green grass! I told Hubby he would have to mow it again…soon! Okay, here are this weeks random thoughts.

  1. Although my back is getting better, it is still sore. So, I am really doing a lot of stretching and no lifting.
  2. Weight Watchers was a great class today. They debuted their new 2012 program! It isn’t a total reboot of the system. Just many little tweaks.
  3. Upon getting home, the rain seemed to get heavier and the fog cooler and more chilling, so I decided not to go grocery shopping today.
  4. Of course this was a mistake because tomorrow we are due for 5 inches of snow, which will mean I won’t really feel like driving out in that, either!
  5. I made a new dish. WW chicken enchiladas. They were so good and very different!
  6. I think the one thing that happens to people after being on a healthy eating plan is, you get really tired of the same foods, meals, over and over again.
  7. So I am trying to shake it up and make “new” things.
  8. I really need to start working on my Christmas shopping. Although I am in the spirit, I just feel uninspired to shop.
  9. Perhaps next Wednesday after class I will go to a few places to shop.
  10. I wish Mandy was available to just kick around with, but she is busy with work.
  11. We are planning a lunch really soon.
  12. I simply love shopping with her. Mandy and I have such fun!
  13. Best of all, yesterday Mandy had her second ultra-sound. Here is her baby. Head to the left, you can see the spine and the hand, as it tries to find it’s thumb.

Baby December 7

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