Thursday Thirteen

champange glasses

This is the New Year addition where I tell you all the things I am hoping to accomplish. In recent years I have been pretty successful, and I am hoping that 2012 will continue along those lines. So, here we go.

  1. I need to get back on track with Weight Watchers and diligently journal what foods I am eating and how much.
  2. Move more, We have been deluged with rain for most of November and December, and my little ski area has only opened about 2 days. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will get some snow and I can ski.
  3. Of course we do have a stationary bike in the basement and a stair stepper, so on those icy days, I can go down there, and work out a little.
  4. I’ve been thinking of doing Yoga too. I’ve heard it is great for arthritis.
  5. I’d like to grow my hair back out some. People were kind when I got it cut, but after the novelty wore off and it started to grow, people told me how nice it looks…longer!
  6. I would like to concentrate on one closet a month. I want to empty it, organize and then put things away.
  7. I plan to put the Christmas decorations away in well marked boxes that have been organized. I don’t want to be missing my tree topper next year.
  8. I would like to go for a walk every day. Be it short or long. A walk.
  9. I would like to read one book per month. This means not messing around on the computer as much in the evenings.
  10. I would like to spend time with Mandy and the baby and share in her happiness!
  11. I cannot believe I will be a Grammy in June!!!
  12. I want to see a few movies, maybe one per month in the theaters. (Should there be any good ones come out.)
  13. Last but not least, I want to really enjoy my upcoming vacation with Hubby. We’re planning some really exciting things, like my first swim with Dolphins!

8 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen”

  1. I like your hair shorter. It is nice long, but the ease of shorter is always good. And the baby will pull at long hair.
    Looking forward to a great many fun things in 2012. I have a trip to Disney with part of the family in Feb. Can’t wait for that. Love YOU, Mel

  2. happy tt and happy new year

    This is the first year in decades that losing weight is not on my list of goals for the new year (reach my goal weight last Jan) – but ORGANIZING is still there and hope to make some headway this year getting rid of more junk

  3. oooh, swimming with the dolphins, that’ll be amazing! I’ve been waking each morning (except today) with Wolf, and I think it’s good for both of us LOL! He was too tired this morning, and I woke up too late. SO I’ll do my walk at lunch, lots of room around work!

  4. Swimming with the dolphins is something I’ve always wanted to do. We’re going to the movies today-Mission Impossible. Next week my daughter is going to help me un-decorate the tree. First stop-The Container Store!

  5. Yoga is excellent ! After one year of yoga classes, each morning I do exercises for 15 – 20 min and my back ache is gone and I am flexible again nearly like a young girl ! No problem for me to pick up something on the floor.
    Would be a good idea. A baby changes a whole life for both parts, parents and grandparents. I thought I would be more involved, but that was a dream.

  6. Great list! I concur with the yoga commentary… it’s wonderful and definitely helps with sore joints. Where are you doing the dolphin swimming? We went in Mexico at Xel-Ha a few years ago and it ranks on my top five most fun experiences ever. Enjoy!

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