Friday Fill-Ins (A Day Late)

Friday Fill Ins

Friday Fill-Ins are sponsored by my cousin Janet. Come on and join the fun!

And…here we go!

1. I’m feeling Very sore from all the skiing.
2. I want nothing more than to rest and relax!
3. I need a hot cup of tea and a good book.
4. I was thinking how happy I am because I heard my grand daughter’s heart beat today!.
5. I wish I could eat as much as I like and not gain weight.
6. I’m reading “The Vow” A true story about a young couples love and devotion after a tragic accident.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to climbing into bed and falling asleep, tomorrow my plans include to start getting my vacation clothes out and Sunday, I want to have a slow day. I sure hope I get it!

2 thoughts on “Friday Fill-Ins (A Day Late)”

  1. No risk to ski here, today it’s as warm as on the French Riviera ! only it rains. I am leaving on Tuesday to stay with “Blog” friend Claudie in their new house for a week. Remember I was there last year and she and her daughter spent a week with us. Everything is washed and clean so I do my suitcase in the last minute.

  2. We have a full day and tonight having people over to celebrate the recent engagement! Enjoy getting ready for your trip! Love YOU, Mel

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