
Saturday I was happy to find, when I woke up, that all three dackels were magically cured of their sore bottoms! In fact, it seemed they had no recollection of the ordeal, and they were running around like crazy puppies!

After breakfast, I started working on my paper. Four long pages! It took me three hours. I sure wish I could compose quickly, but I really don’t. So I hung in there, and eventually I got it done, and I just hope it makes sense.

I made Hubby nice meals for lunch and dinner, as he has been working outside on our patio. We have cement blocks out there for the decking, and after 12 years we have so many cracked and just totally crushed blocks. You see, in the winter we have snow and ice, and it all freezes. Then we have some warmer temperatures and it thaws and then it freezes again. That is murder on the blocks.

After my paper was done, I splurged and put on several movies. Nothing I really sat down and and watched, but movies that I know and can listen to and not lose my place.

I also participated in a political survey. They claimed it would only take me 15 minutes. An hour later, I was done!

Sunday I have major cleaning to do. So I am thinking I will be putting on some music and getting out my bucket of cleaning supplies! Oh yeah, love, love, cleaning…NOT!

Happy Sunday, and Happy Greek Easter!

One thought on “Working”

  1. I hope you get outside and enjoy this lovely weather sometime today too! I have to clean a little here and there and we are laying low again today. One more day of rest and then we should be good to go. Love YOU, Mel

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