Friday Fill-Ins

Friday Fill-Ins

Friday Fill-Ins are sponsored by my cousin Janet. Come on and join the fun!

And…here we go!

1. These three words describe my significant other (or dog, cat, baby, grandchild, best friend!): thoughtful, hardworking, dedicated!
2. My daughter is a delight!
3. Oh, how I adore my family, doggies and friends.
4. It’s amazing how much fun waiting for something can be if one takes time to be friendly.
5. Inevitably, I will grow my hair out, and once again be able to tuck it back into a pony tail when I am working.
6. My girls (Mel, Mandy, Janet, Uschi and Gail) are people who never cease to encourage me.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to soaking in my bathtub, tomorrow my plans include going to a craft fair with my cousin Janet and Sunday, I want to finish all my laundry and prepare for the week ahead!

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