Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What can the average citizen do to honor a military veteran and/or those currently serving?

My husband is a Veteran and I am so thankful that he came home from the War in Vietnam. No one honored him at the time. In fact they called him names and the men that served so bravely, were spit upon.

Several years ago I started doing something that was hard for me at first because I was always close to tears. When I saw a man or woman in fatigues flying home or having a casual meal with their comrades, I would go over and thank them for their service to our country. I have seen elderly men who served in WW II with their battle ship’s cap on and I also will go over to them and thank them. With each handshake, each smile, it got easier for me not to cry. I cannot even begin to tell you how happy and surprised these men and women are.

One man asked why I was doing this. I stopped mid shake and responded, “You see that man over there? That’s my husband. When he came home from Vietnam, no one said Thank-You.”

The young man turned and walked over to Hubby and shook his hand and thanked him! Hubby was so touched.

2. Besides a flag what is something you own that is red, white and blue?

A dish set that my cousin Janet gave me a few years ago.

3. Does love really conquer all?

No. But it sure helps a lot.

4. Strawberry shortcake or blueberry pie?

Strawberry Shortcake!

5. Do you share personal stuff with your hairdresser?

Oh yes, we are very good friends. I have gone in on bad days and cried my eyes out, and even called her to share good news!

6. Does money lead to selfishness?

It can, if one is not grounded.

7. What piece of furniture in your home most needs replacing or refinishing?

My mattress! It is older than it should be and lumpier than all get out. The next thing to get replaced is that silly, lumpy, thing!

8. Insert your own random here.

June is nearly here, and with that, time to spend with Mandy, the arrival of my granddaughter, and tending to the garden, Hubby and the pooches!

7 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. My hairdresser is a good listener and I share news with her as well. I’m pretty much an open book anyway : )

    My dad was in Vietnam…I do think we as a country do a better job publicly of recognizing our vets than we did during the Vietnam era. I’m glad your hubs made it home too!

  2. My dad went to Korea … and while it wasn’t as debated as Vietnam, it is somewhat of a forgotten war, I think.
    I hope your husband now realizes how important and respected what he did in Vietnam was!!! I love how you thank vets! Mine went to Iraq in 2003-04 – and he’s always a little shocked when someone thanks him because he feels like “his war” wasn’t nearly as difficult as it was for those vets who came before who were hand-to-hand fighthing and not communicating with their families at all and who were often gone more than a year. Never the less, freedom is precious – and we are thankful!! πŸ™‚

  3. Vietnam veterans were quickly forgotten that’s a real shame. I have seen on TV and read about it.
    My hairdress is also a very nice girl. She is of Italian origin, a young mother and as I am a “young” grandmother and both kids have almost the same age, we always have a lot to chat !

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