Thursday Thirteen


  1. I never thought anything could possibly come close to being as amazing as having my own children, until, I saw my daughter with her daughter!
  2. Amanda is a natural mother. Watching her with Savannah, warms my heart.
  3. I wish she could have had a regular birth, because the c-section has taken a lot out of her.
  4. However, I have to say, she hardly ever complains!
  5. It was so hard to leave and come home.
  6. But my doggies and Hubby were so happy to see me.
  7. I spent the first day home trying to catch up with laundry and cleaning.
  8. I’m still hopelessly behind!
  9. Lost 1 and a half pounds at Weight Watchers. Finally getting back on track!
  10. I had to replant some cucumbers and tomatoes out in the garden, as the little chipmunks have eaten almost all of my plants!
  11. I may have to get more cucumber plants.
  12. I did get more Basil and planted that.
  13. So far, the garden is doing really badly, but the patio potted plants are doing great!

6 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen”

  1. The chipmunks are wreaking havoc on my basil too. I bought more and put it in a pot up on the table outside. Hoping they don’t get into that one!

  2. Finally able to catch up with all the pictures etc. It was so hard to be without my computer. At least I could check things on my phone, but so much I just can’t do with that!
    I love the pictures I did get! You and I look alike in them, don’t you think?
    My garden is okay, but the sun sure would be helpful right about now.
    Happy to be back! Love YOU, Mel

  3. That’s very nice of you to feed the little chipmonks, lol ! I find them soooo cute ! I have seen the first on in my life in the Brice Canyon. Amanda will recover soon, the c-section in itself is nothing but she was already tired because it wasn’t foreseen. Marieken had one too, but it was planned and she recovered very quickly.

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