What I Did This Past Weekend

Miss Marple 2

Our host is Gattina. Come join us and tell us what YOU did this past weekend! After all, you never know when you will need an alibi!


It was a busy weekend for us here in New Hampshire. Besides the usual house cleaning and laundry, it was the start of the annual Weirs Beach Motorcycle Week. Each time we go outside, or the TV is off, all we can hear are the hums of motorcycles in our town.

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The  local Harley Davidson dealer is not too far from our home and we hear every single bike as they go to get their Bike Week Souvenirs!

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A few years back Hubby still had his dream BMW Motorcycle and we attempted to actually go to the Weirs to have lunch and soak in the party experience. Easier said then done, as that 6 mile trip kept us locked in with every other motorcycle that wanted to go. So, we eventually turned around and went home.

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I went out to the garden this morning and sadly, it really is not doing well. I talked to it, but am thinking that all the hard rain and hail (yes we have had some of that too!) have done it in. Thankfully, the plants in the patio pots are fine and flourishing!

Our weather during the days has been beautiful. In fact this morning when I walked the dackels, I noticed, bright blue skies and not a single cloud!

This coming week finds me going to my doctor for my annual check up, and going to see Mandy and Savannah for some snuggles and love!

Have a great week everyone!

2 thoughts on “What I Did This Past Weekend”

  1. Our plants don’t know what to do either. We had crazy rain and wind again last night. I moved a few indoors before it came but I really can’t be moving all the pots back and forth every day.

    Enjoy your grandgirl!

  2. Oh My looks like a busy time in Meredith!
    I hope you get in lots of hugs and kisses when you see the baby! Give some for me! AND take lots of pictures! Love YOU, Mel

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