Friday Fill-Ins

June 08 12 001

1. So I finally got my car back today! It is all fixed and the bill wasn’t too bad.!
2. On the other hand, It would have been better if my car had not needed such extensive work, which took nearly a month.
3. There is a new Weight Watchers ice cream bar that I tried tonight. It’s a double chocolate bar! Oh be still my heart!.
4. Dark Chocolate cake with butter cream frosting and chocolate chunk ice cream is my favorite birthday dessert.
5. What represents happiness to me: Savannah, and the rest of my family.
6. As Dave (my cousin’s SO) says, the early bird gets the fish?.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to getting my hair done, tomorrow my plans include attempting to stay cool and Sunday, I want to touch base with my friend and schedule lunch out next week.!

2 thoughts on “Friday Fill-Ins”

  1. Tired this morning after a restless night with Abby tossing and turning. At least I just kept falling back to sleep. Now on to the day with three kids, the pool and the heat. Thank goodness for icy cold Popsicle s! Love YOU, Mel

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