Allergies & Memories

It’s that time of year that I really have a hard time with. It’s allergy season! Everything has leafed out, and the flowers are blooming, and even the mold and fungus is ripe with pollen. I find I am so very stuffed up, with itching eyes and a dripping nose.

Saturday morning I wanted to get out and weed the garden. I hated to do this because I knew it would cause me to start sneezing, especially since Hubby was mowing the lawn. I spent an hour there, and sure enough, the nose got stopped up, and now I cannot breathe.

I have taken antihistamines, and some Motrin for the headache, but so far nothing has worked!  I’ll tell you quite honestly, I really hate allergies!

The garden is starting to come along. The weeding has helped, and in a bit I will need to go out and water it again. In this heat wave we are having, I find I am watering the garden 3 times a day, but the plants are looking better and I may just get some vegetables out of the garden this year.

The potted plants appear to be doing better. They’ve all grown marvelously and all but one of the plants have vegetables growing. My eggplants are especially prolific this year.

Sunday night is more of the USA Olympic Trials, with more gymnastics. I love that. It got me thinking about watching Olga Korbut. She was so perfect and full of life. Take a moment to watch this video of her at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich.

Yes. Dear Olga Korbut, you inspired little girls everywhere, including me!

3 thoughts on “Allergies & Memories”

  1. I have four Eggplants growing! My garden looks better than last year so lets just see if I get much out of it, I sure hope so. I love watching the Olympics and the trials etc. Love YOU, Mel

  2. That’s terrible to be allergic ! My mother used to have it too, she always got a shot before the allergy season started ! We only have 18° ! My light summer clothes are sleeping again in the wardrobe !

  3. My hubs is having a horrible time right now with allergies. Usually its me but I’ve been on Clairtan for a couple months and it seems to keep them to a minimum.

    I’m excited for the Olympics!

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