This & That

On Thursday I went in and had my root canal done. Apparently I’m a weird person, as I had a few more canals in my tooth than most people do. Thus, my poor dentist and his assistant, spent over three hours working on my tooth. We all worried that there might be a crack in the tooth, but lucky for me, there was no crack, and they were able to save the tooth!

I came home full of Novocaine, and so I was able to have a light supper, before heading off to bed. However, at 1:00 in the morning, it all wore off and the full force of the pain hit. Not so much in the tooth, but in the jaw, which had been wide open during most of the three hours.

Motrin and a pain pill helped and I was able to get back to sleep, but I am being careful not to let the pain get the best of me.

All I can say is Yay, Yay, Yay, for saving the tooth!!!


I was shocked and horrified to wake this morning and hear about the slaughtering of innocent movie go-ers out in Aurora, Colorado. One six year old child has reportedly been killed, and a four month old baby was injured. As well as twelve adults killed and fifty people injured.

All I can say is, what is wrong with people that they totally lose it that way? (I also have a question about why parents would bring their young kids to a midnight showing of a movie. I mean, come on people, they should have been home in bed!)

I sat here watching reports with Hubby, who is the big movie go-er in the family, and who is always dragging me along, I looked straight into his eyes and said…”Well, that’s it. No more movies until they come out on HBO” (Home Box Office).


My sister comes home tomorrow from her vacation. I sure have missed her! I know she loves her beach time, and the time she spent with her grand-kids! But it sure will be good to have her back at home.


Uschi has also been away on vacation, and gets home tomorrow! Yay! All my girls will be back for chat time with me!

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