Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. I’m joining my daughter1 in the 101 in 1001 challenge. Essentially you create a list of 101 things you hope to do or accomplish in the next 1001 days. What’s one thing you’d put on your list?

We’re talking about my office again. Really it is just terrible. It’s on the other side of my house, and I avoid looking in at all costs. The other thing is my closet. I desperately need to clean it out and get things together to donate.

2. How many remote controls do you have in your house? What’s one item in your home you wish could be operated by remote control?

Five. Just for our family room TV/DVD/VHS/Satellite. Then two in our bedroom and two in the guest room and then 3 remotes for the air conditioner and one for the sun awning. I’m the only one who knows which ones work on what, and how to operate them. One thing I wish worked on remote? The door to let the dogs in and out!

3. What does having it all mean to you? Is it attainable?

Some people are pretty screwed up about this. Having it all to me means, sharing life with the ones I love. Good health and happiness. The rest will take care of itself.

4. What’s your favorite movie soundtrack?

It’s got to be The Sound of Music! What beautiful songs! Second favorite….The Lake House. No sung words, but beautiful themes.

5. Describe the best view you’ve seen from a rooftop.

I think it was when we went to the top of the Empire State Building in New York. It was a nice day and the view of the city was beautiful! But, I tend to dislike heights, so I don’t go up that high too often.

6. What’s your least favorite thing about summer?

When it gets too hot. You can only take off so many clothes. I much prefer winter, as you can always add another layer.

7. Our weekly Hodgepodge falls on the first day of August. In ten words or less sum up your July.

Crazy. Root canal. Beautiful Savannah. Vegetables. Dill Pickles. Greek Festival.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Savannah Rose is now 2 months old! Can you believe that? It’s gone so fast, and yet, it always seems like she has been here, and always that I have known her!

Savannah 2 months

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. I just love that picture of Savannah! What a little sweetheart!
    Don’t like cleaning out closets, I know there is work to be done over at Mom’s, but I keep putting it off.
    Enjoy the day! Love YOU, Mel

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