Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. I included this quote (attributed to William H. Danforth) in my blog post yesterday… “The best cure for a sluggish mind is to disturb it’s routine.” When was the last time you ‘disturbed your routine’ and how’d you do it?

Becoming a Grandma has disturbed my mind and my routine, but only in the best of ways. I am driving to see Savannah and Mandy, spending time with them, talking to my daughter in new and exciting ways! Yes, being a grandmother is just the best!

2. What’s your favorite fried food indulgence?

Whole belly Clams! They are just the best! Of course you have to go to a place where they do it just right. Whole Belly Clams can be terrible if they are not cooked correctly!

3. Did you have an allowance as a kid? What did you do with it? Do you give your own kids an allowance?

No I didn ‘t. We did not have a lot of money growing up, so I just did my chores. When I was twelve years old I started to babysit, and that was my money!

4. What’s something you wish you knew more about?

Plant sciences. I have a real problem in my garden and I am not sure what to do. I need to read, to call the local Extension Service and find out what to do with my diseased garden!

5. Is there anything you feel too old to do anymore? If so, what?

I was thinking about this last night. I used to do gymnastics, but I am afraid my old body wouldn’t allow me to do a back flip anymore. In fact, I know it wouldn’t. I am going to try to practice and train, so I can show Savannah how to do a somersault. However, handstands, flips and splits are now out of the question!

6. What’s a song you think has a great first line?

When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

7. Who are you writing to/for when you create a blog post? In other words…as you write, who is the audience in your head?

That’s a good question. During my breeding of dackel’s I wrote for the prospective puppy buyers. Over time, I started to write for family and friends, but now, now I write for me!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Today I am at Weight Watchers weighing in. I have really worked hard, writing down everything I eat and drink. I also have tried to make good selections as to what I am putting on the table, and weighing and measuring what I put in my mouth. So keep your fingers crossed that I have a good loss!

4 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. What is a whole belly clam? I love clams, we like the small ones which we call cherrystone but I think they have another nickname now.

  2. I love the whole belly clams too, and indulge maybe once a summer. When my daughter comes, she will order a giant fisherman’s platter and not like half of the sample of fried seafood. I have learned to order nothing when she does that and end up still with too much.
    Try yoga, Maribeth, it is much gentler on the body than gymnastics and the results are wonderful in so many ways. I always liked learning poses, but in the last year and a half have really committed myself to it and it has made such a difference in my life. In September, I’m starting a 4 month intensive yoga teacher training course and am so excited!!

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