Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Aloha! On August 21, 1959 Hawaii officially became a US state. Have you ever been? Upon arrival would you prefer an orchid or a hibiscus to tuck behind your ear?

I’ve never been, but I would love an orchid. I would also enjoy going there.

2. Since we’re talking tropical…what’s your favorite food or beverage made with pineapple?

Sadly, I am allergic to pineapple! I wish I weren’t because the one time I had pineapple I loved it. That was, until I broke out!

3. Do you believe in soul mates? Explain.

Yes. I do not think it a “soul mate” is necessarily limited to one’s spouse or significant other. I am lucky to have several friends who are truly “soul mates” for me.

4. Share a memory about the house you grew up in.

You could run around the house in a circle, from room to room on the first floor. As kids we would chase each other. It was a blast!

5. Are you comfortable with silence?

Oh yes! Sometimes I crave it! Sometimes silence is hard to find. In the winter, when it snows, I go outside and stand there and listen to the silence!

6. You spot a giant spider on your bedroom wall…what’s your next move? (all spiders are giant, right?)

I’m not crazy about spiders, but not scared about them either. I would get up on a chair, with a kleenex and squash it!

7. My idea of fun does NOT include having a root canal.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I had a chance to go down and visit with Mandy and Savannah. She is getting so big and grown up! Soon she will be turning over and moving more. It is going by so fast!

Aug 21 12 007

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. Oh those cheeks are irresistable! She is just adorable!

    I like the quiet of a snowfall too. We had what was considered a fairly mild winter last year so I’m curious to see what comes our way this time around.

  2. You’re my soul mate 🙂 And I think I’ll answer these questions on my blog today…I really liked them! And your answer to #4 made me smile…and I loved the analogy in #5! <3

  3. Allergic to pineapple. That sucks! Well, I guess it could be worse. You could be allergic to chocolate.
    Savannagh is adorable. I love the cheeks!

  4. Oh my goodness, I just want to give those cute little cheeks a squeeze! She is adorable! I love standing out in the silent snow – or right after it snows at night when everyone is inside, no cars or noises at all – so silent! Love it 🙂

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