What I Did This Past Weekend

Miss Marple 2

Our host is Gattina. Come join us and tell us what YOU did this past weekend! After all, you never know when you will need an alibi!


All I can say is WOW! This past weekend was so full, I’m not sure I could have fit in another thing! I’ll start on Friday and go from there.

As you know, I got to go down and visit with Mandy & Savannah. I always love those days because Savannah is just so darn cute, and each time I go down, there is something new to witness. This last time it was her smiling and reaching out for things. I just love to see her smile at me, but most of all, I love to see that special smile that is reserved only for her Mom! Mandy & Savannah just have that certain Mom & Daughter chemistry that is so beautiful to witness!

I loved going to the Pediatrician’s Office with them, and then lunch afterward was great! We had a Caprese Salad and Mandy had Lasagna and I had Gyros! Then we did a little shopping, which is always fun for this Grandma!

The drive home for me was fine. I usually talk to my friend, Gail or to my sister, and that makes the trip go very fast! If they aren’t around, then I turn up the volume and listen to some great music!

Saturday I was up early and  got ready to meet my cousin down at the local Craft Fair. She brought her boyfriend, Dave and their Grandson, Ralphie with them. I was worried he would be bored at the Fair, but that 4 year old actually had more energy than I did! What fun!

While they were off taking a foliage train ride, I made a Sauerbraten, with all the fixings, and when they got back we sat down to dinner. We also watched the first Harry Potter movie on the HD TV and even they had to admit how much fun it was to see the movie in High Definition!

On Sunday I decided that like the good Lord, I needed to rest. I had planned to watch some movies, and not do too much. Ah yes. Some lazy me time!

Then the phone rang!

Remember a week ago we had people who had called and wanted to come by and I had a nervous breakdown, because I would never get the house clean in time?

If you have guessed that the phone call was from them, you would be right. They will be here tomorrow for lunch!

So I madly began to clean. I have most of it done, and then I had to decide what to serve for luncheon. Well, that was when I decided I was not going to stress about the cleaning.

So, onto the menu. After much hemming and hawing, we’re serving Baked French Onion Soup, a Caprese Salad, My Potato Salad, Assorted Cold Cuts, Breads, and Hubby’s German Cucumber Salad.

If I am lucky, I will get Hubby help me make an apple pie, but we may run out of time. Not sure.

So, as you can see, my weekend turned into a jam packed wild weekend!

And the week ahead, is going to be just as busy!

4 thoughts on “What I Did This Past Weekend”

  1. My weekend was the usual crazy and so I have not read the Sunday paper yet. I am going to call it the Sunday/Monday paper from now on. Love YOU, Mel

  2. That’s a good decision not to clean ! Clean afterwards !
    Dario is coming this time with Marieken and Toby, that’s always a problem with the food because she is vegetarian ! She was always tired or sick when Dario came with Toby, but apparently this time she is not ! miracles happen !

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