
I’ll be 54 years old next month. I have known the biggest joys in life, as well as the deepest woes. My life has always kind of reminded me of a Soap Opera. People used to say that nothing like the things that happened on “All My Children” could possibly happen in “real” life, but I’m here to tell you that it’s true. Life is as crazy and unexpected, and busy, just like “All My Children” used to be.

I missΒ  my Soap Opera. “All My Children” helped me believe that I wasn’t in this world alone. No matter how crazy my life got, I could always escape it for one hour a day, with that wonderful Soap.

Life is a funny thing. I have called it the great equalizer. You see, as good and true as you try to be in your life, bad things will happen, to good people.

My friend, the one I mentioned last week is very ill. She has cancer and will need chemo or radiation or both. Her type of cancer is a really bad one. I know. Last summer I lost a High School Classmate to this same disease.

I was 19 when my brother died of Cancer. He was not quite 27. He was quite literally filled with Cancer.

Over the years far more friends and relatives have been diagnosed with cancer. Most recently my cousin Janet, who showed the world just how to kick Cancer’s Butt!

I have lost people in my life to untimely death. Like my daughter, Katie who was only 6 years old. I have seen them suffer, and I ask myself, why?

But then, I have also known the greatest joy!

I have watched my own daughters born, I have just become a grandmother! Life is so good, when all is well, and my people are happy and healthy.

I’ve run on the beach, body surfed in the waves and felt the wind blow in my hair. I have been married twice and had 2 beautiful weddings. I have believed in love and I still do.

I have known the gentleness of a dogs love, and watched puppies come to life and grow.

Yet, I have also seen how things can all change on a moments notice. Just like on the Soap Operas. I really don’t like this at all.

So now, as I watch yet another young, beautiful, person struggle with Cancer, I need to catch my breath and get ready to help her through this time.

Life isn’t a bed of roses. However if we are lucky enough, we will be able to know the great loves and joys to compensate for the sadness.

6 thoughts on “Life”

  1. Yes, life sure has its joys and sorrows. Take it one day at a time and enjoy the beauty all around us. We all have to hold each other up to weather the darker days loving each other always. Love YOU, Mel

  2. I too have mentioned often that my life was a “soap operat” or “better than fiction”! People often can’t believe what happens to me- although often it is just crazy, ironic situations I find myself in. And to top it off I HATE DRAMA but somehow end up in it. πŸ™ Oh well … some day maybe I’ll write a book. πŸ™‚
    I do hate and fear cancer so much – and am so sad for all who suffer. My prayers go with your friend who is fighting right now!!
    Thank you for this post – and the reminder that bad things DO happen – but there is also so much JOY in life that it is totally worth living! πŸ™‚

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