Election Day

I was up at 6:30 AM on Tuesday. I jumped into my clothes, layering up fairly well, and drove quickly to our local Polling place. I got there, and the line went out the door and around the parking lot, with not one free space for a car! So, I drove a block away and parked my car there and walked back to the Community Center, clutching my coffee.

When I got back, the line had moved right along, and I was able to go right in, but not with my coffee cup! So I set it down out of sight (outside), and went in and voted! Yay, me!

I came out to find that in 23 degree (F) weather, coffee gets cold very fast! I was stuck with cold coffee.

I had volunteered to stand at the Polls and hold a sign in support for my friend, Jeanie. I was so cold, mostly my hands, despite the fact that I had two pairs of gloves on.

I will say that there were others present supporting their candidate, that tried to cause problems with my small support group. I simply referred them to the police and the County Commissioner. They had been the ones who gave us our spot. After her huffing and puffing, the police and Commissioner finally got her quieted down.

Then, my back up arrived! After taking a look at these two beauties, I think you will agree, that no one would think about bugging me! (lol!)

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These two, were both sweet Great Danes!

And yes, that is me in my disguise! Big warm hat and sunglasses

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They stayed by my side, all morning, despite the fact that it was so cold. Needless to say, anyone who knows me, knows I am a real dog lady!

3 thoughts on “Election Day”

  1. First thing this morning I looked who won ! It was Obama ! The 15.000 Americans who live in Brussels are happy ! They had an election evening in a big hotel.

  2. I got a call at 5:15 this morning, Mom had pushed her button, by mistake, but they felt the need to call and wake me up, scare me and NO I couldn’t go back to sleep. UGH! I am so tired and feeling a bit miserable.
    Love YOU, Mel

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