
Saturday I woke to my laptop not connecting into my wireless system. Why was this? Seemed to me I recall that Microsoft has automatically updated me before, and kicked off something that shut off my wireless connection.

I worked on it for two hours before Hubby got up and wanted breakfast. So I stopped, cooked the meal, and all the while I was going over the connections in my head. Which, if you know me and how scatterbrained I am, is a real challenge!

We ate breakfast, and I was looking and looking at all the settings, and just as I finished my meal, I had a thought. Hmm.

So I put the laptop on my knees and went into my Network Connections and saw that a box was not checked. That box allowed me to select the wireless system to use!

Click! Yay!

And it worked! Hubby quickly told me to write down what I had done, so next time I will know. After all, this is one of those little glitches that Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 has and since I don’t see myself getting a new computer for some time (knock on wood), I need to be able to take care of these little problems myself!

Then my daughter sent me a text that she was still not able to use my pictures in a project she was working on. So I went online and I was finally able to unlock them for her.

Click! Yay!

So, I am feeling like a computer wanna be nerd. At least I was able to get these things done. I just keep telling myself that I can do it!

I know what it is…it’s watching all those episodes of “The Big Bang Theory”. The show about 4 geniuses! It’s rubbing off on me!


One thought on “Computers”

  1. I am so amazed when I figure something out! Sometimes it takes a call to my sister.. LOL! Love YOU, Mel

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