Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What rule of life should never be broken?

No one should ever take the life of another person. Of course there are exceptions. For instance, if someone is trying to kill you or your family, all bets are off.

I also believe that people should always treat children and animals in a kind and gentle way.

My grandmother told me once to be gentle and compassionate to everyone and everything who are not as smart or have the advantages that I had.

2. What’s your favorite family recipe?

It’s got to be the Sauerbraten Recipe, which can be found HERE. It is one of the best I have ever had.

3. Is the media manipulative?

I have tended not to believe this was true here in the USA, until this past election cycle. A good friend of mine was running for reelection to her State office. She is as honest as the day is long! Well, not only did her opponent lie about her record, the media, which also leaned toward her opponents political side, favor him, but actually spread the untruths! I was so upset and then I realized that we all really cannot trust the news media to report the facts!

4. Hubs and I saw Skyfall last weekend…are you a fan of the Bond films? If so, who’s your favorite Bond?

Not a huge Bond fan, but I like Brosnan, and Connery. Not fond of Daniel Craig. He looks too much like Vladimir Putin!

5. What is one thing you hope people never say about you?

That I was unkind.

Created with fd’s Flickr Toys

6. What’s a nearby tourist attraction you’d like to see, but haven’t gotten around to visiting?

There is a gourmet dinner train that runs in the summer. The chef prepares the meals right there on board, and they serve fine wines to compliment the meal. I think I’m putting it on my Bucket List for next summer.

7. Where’s your favorite tree?

There is a tree on the way to town that literally lights up each October. It’s leaves turn bright coral, and they are just splendid for several weeks.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I went to a church fair last weekend. I remember all those wonderful Christmas fairs at church when I was a child. The church women got together all year long, making items with a Christmas theme. They also baked a ton of Christmas cookies and cakes and it was wonderful! The fair last weekend was odd. No, it was beyond odd! They had some baked goods, but not too much, and then the rest of the hall was filled with tables “rented” by professional artisans, to sell their stuff! Now in the spring and fall, we have street fairs and these same artisans rent booths in the street to sell their wares. I really missed the old fashioned Christmas Fair. It was like growing up all over again and leaving behind something that actually made me smile.

Tell me, would you rather go to a church fair that featured homemade items by the church women, that were sold at a reasonable price, or go to a fair where you are buying from artisans, some of which had items on their tables made in China?

13 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. Good Shepherd here in Punta Gorda still does the “Bizarre Bazaar” with hand crafted items from the crafty ladies, rummage, and all sorts of homemade foods. Then several times a year the Artisans set up shop on Sullivan Street wit all their “handmade” wares – haven’t seen China yet but must admit I haven’t been looking. Will do that next time I go.

  2. Where is your dinner train? I love trains and have been on lots of them when we travel. I miss the church fairs and prefer them over street fairs.

  3. Sauerbraten is one of my favorites. As far as craft fairs go, I like a combination. I don’t mind vendors if they’re not junky : ) I prefer the homemade. Enjoy your week!

  4. I would much rather go to a church bazaar that sells items made by the ladies there…just means more to me. Ooh…a gormet dinner train! Now, we’re talking!

  5. What a nice collage ! Concerning News, I have the chance to see different European country’s News and also CNN. Don’t trust News, sometimes I just put all News together and create my own “News”, then maybe I will get the truth !

  6. I went to a Christmas show this weekend as well. I commented to my husband how much of the booths all seemed to have the same stuff. I liked the ones that were a little different that you could tell were homemade, hand crafted items.

  7. I would like the Christmas fair the same way as you. I am copying your saurbraten recipe. I have pickling spices in my pantry that I bought a while back and still haven’t made the saurbraten. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

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