Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Which do you prefer-pretty gift wrap with a bow or a pretty gift bag with/without a bow? What percentage of your holiday gifts are currently (as in right this very minute) wrapped in some form or fashion?

I love wrapping paper. The good old fashioned kind! I have my Germany presents wrapped and will mail them off today! Yay me!

2. What is one item on your Christmas list this year?

I want to go out and buy a Barbie Doll and bring it in to the Marine’s pick up area. I’ll be doing this in Katie’s memory.

3. What makes a home?

The love within the four walls. Since Hubby and I are on second marriages, we know that above all, having love is the most important thing of all. Many people feel that things make the difference. However, it is just not true. Trust me on this!

4. Motown founder Berry Gordy celebrates his birthday on Hodgepodge Day-November 28th. Are you a fan of the Motown sound? If so, who’s your favorite Motown artist and/or song? Here’s a list in case you’re stuck.

Some. But I grew up loving the Beatles, The Carpenters, and (I admit), David Cassidy and the Partridge Family!

5. Red or green-which one is more prevalent in your closet?

Red. I really do not look good in green. It causes my skin to look sickly. Ever heard of the saying “Feeling Green”?

6. True or false-bacon makes it better? If you answered true, what’s your favorite dish made with bacon?

Oh gosh, I love bacon, but as I get older, it doesn’t like me! So I tend to use it a lot less. I do love it cooked crisply with over easy eggs! Yum!

7. Share a favorite holiday memory.

My favorite Christmas memory is Christmas 1976. My daughter was born on December 20th.


I had just gotten home from the hospital with my first born baby, Amanda Mae. I remember thinking that I had gotten the greatest gift of my life. This perfect, beautiful, healthy, baby girl Yes, it doesn’t get any better than that.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

To all of you who have been following my closet dilemma, I finally finished cleaning it on Monday! It’s amazing how out of control it had gotten. As I stood in the middle of the closet, prior to starting the cleaning, I felt I was in the middle of my boat after being tossed about in a Nor’easter! It seemed that nothing was where it should have been, and my Christmas count hopelessly lost. Now, the closet contents are folded, stacked and beautiful! How long it will remain this way is anyone’s guess!

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. I put gifts in my closet as I buy them. At the moment I’m not entirely sure what I’ve got so sorting that out today is on my list!

  2. I just had a panic attack, too much to do and not enough time to do it in. I’ll manage it all somehow. Love YOU, Mel

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