Toys For Tots

Every year I find a toy or two and donate them to the Toys For Tots campaign that the US Marines have going. This wonderful campaign, makes sure that each child in the US has a toy to open on Christmas Day.


I got involved after losing my younger daughter. I felt her loss so much at Christmas. I decided that if I couldn’t buy her a present, I could buy something wonderful and donate it in her memory.

This year I am asking everyone in the USA, who reads my Blog, to pick up a toy and drop it off at the nearest donation center. You can find out where your nearest center is, what types of toys they need, and any other information HERE. Imagine being homeless, like the children in Super Storm Sandy areas. Their toys have been destroyed.

Or the children who are homeless and have no one to give them a gift. Your generosity, could make all the difference.

I have not been paid for this post. I am asking, just because it seems like the right thing to do.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas. I hope each child in the USA has a Merry Christmas too!

3 thoughts on “Toys For Tots”

  1. I just looked up a local drop off site and the diner we visit often is listed so I will have fun toy shopping too. Thanks for the link!

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