Let It Snow

My phone rang before 8 o’clock this morning. It was my mother, who wanted to talk and talk and talk. She woke me, before I had a chance to visit the little ladies room or walk the dogs, so the five of us were all squirming around in bed! Finally I could stand it no longer, and I put the phone down and dashed to the bathroom!

Then I explained that the dogs were next and I had to go. By then Hubby was awake and our day started far earlier than any of us had actually wanted it to.

When we pulled up the shades, and glanced outside we found 5-6 inches of snow! And, it was still snowing! And as I write now, it is still snowing.

I love snow, don’t get me wrong, but today I actually needed to do a few things.Β  I’ve decided to put it off until tomorrow when the weather will be better.

Meanwhile, Monday was laundry day, snuggling dackels day and watching the dachshunds plow through the snow day!

Dec 3 010

Fritz, Anneliese and Arnie.

Jan 17 011


Oh, how much fun it is to watch the dackels in the snow! Especially when it is deep enough so they get buried!

I still need to run some errands and buy the last few gifts for Christmas. Then I am done! Well, sort of. I still need to do cooking for Jack!

5 thoughts on “Let It Snow”

  1. I hope I will never do that calling my son so early ! My father called me once at 3am to ask me to buy black clothes for his funerals ! Imagine !
    You have snow ! at quiet a lot already, here it’s still raining !

  2. Well, its warming up, again, here, and the lead up to Christmas is looking as though it will be hot, but then on Christmas, it is forecast for a few showers for the day!!!

    The pups seem to like the snow though!!!

  3. snow!!!!!!!!!!!! beautiful!!!

    it was 57 degrees here !!! πŸ™ not happy – doesn’t feel like Christmas at all. πŸ™ Send us some snow!!

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