Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. How did you ring in the new year?

It started early, with my watching the Sydney, Australia fireworks online. I made special meals. Crab Quiche, and lamb chops. We had a nice bottle of bubbly that we split and as always, I shed a few tears.

2. What is one thing you are looking forward to in 2013?

Watching Miss Savannah grow! The last seven months have been the best! So I expect the next year will be even better!

3. Steven Spielberg is quoted as saying, “All of us every single year, we’re a different person. I don’t think we’re the same person all our lives.” What say you?

I hope that each year, as I grow and change, become a slightly better person. Recently, someone I love told me in a loving way, that I had a very annoying habit, they are right and now I need to work on that!

4. The Pantone color of the year for 2013 is emerald green. Like or dislike? Do you already own something this color? Will you add something in this shade to your home or wardrobe in 2013?

I am not a green person. It makes me look like the wicked witch of the west! My main color is blue. And nope, will not be adding this color to the house.

5. Speaking of emerald…what’s your favorite gemstone?

Black Opals. The ones I like are a dark blue with a shot of green going through them. These are mined in Australia!

January 1 13 012

Isn’t that beautiful?

6. Share a favorite book or movie from 2012.

The Descendents. Both the movie and the book! All I can say is wow! I am still shocked that George Clooney did not win Best Actor at the Oscars. He was incredible!

7. What is something you want to tell yourself at the start of this brand new year?

To think before I speak. It’s sad to say, but sometimes I speak and my brain is not engaged. Got to stop doing this!!!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

2013 I also plan to get back on the wagon with Weight Watchers. I have 5 months until Savannah’s birthday and so there is no excuse to be eating cake. Actually, I should just cut cake out of my diet, like I’m allergic or something! After all, I eat it and then I break out in fat! Tomorrow is the first Weight Watchers class since well before Christmas. I shudder at the thought of getting up on the scale!

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. I couldn’t agree more about George Clooney. He was great in that movie. I look forward to your blog; it is the first thing I read when I turn on my computer. Please keep up the good work. Yes, black opals are also great but I do like emerald green. However, like you I seldom wear green – blue is also my favorite. And little Miss Embyr, 2 weeks younger than Savannah, is one of mhy priorities. Growing up way too fast. Have a great day, my friend.

  2. I’m sure this year will be fun with the lovely Miss Savannah : ) I am working on listening more, talking less. It’s hard for me because I’m definitely a talker!!

  3. Each day I try to be better. I keep thinking lately about how each day is a gift and each day is a good day, sometimes things go off track a bit, but there is always some bit of goodness to enjoy.
    Looking forward to lots of family moments with Jin’s wedding.
    I read somewhere over the past day or so: Chapter 2013 365 pages to write on so I intend to write each page with a positive note! Love YOU, Mel

  4. I wish you the best of luck at Weight-watchers! I have been on so many diets that I feel like a boomerang.

  5. Why do you want to try to become a better person ? I think you are a very good one already, lol !
    I had a wonderful New Year’s Eve in the South of France, pictures on my blog tomorrow !

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