Bye, Bye Christmas Tree

When I got up this morning I threw on my clothes and started the arduous process of taking down the tree. Here’s the funny part. It took me three days to put it all up and 4 hours to take it all down!

Hubby was watching TV and reading the newspaper, and I was listening to my MP3 Player. I danced around the tree doing the first of the 5 parts of tree demolition required.

1.) Tinsel removal.

Okay, I know you guys are going to laugh and some will call me cheap (I prefer the term frugal) but when I remove the tinsel, I save it. I’ve had the tinsel I use for over 20 years! Each year I put it on, and then at the end of the season, I take it off and put it in a ziploc bag until next year.

2.) Then the garlands come off. Round, and round, and round, I go. I may actually break down next year and get some new garlands, as the current one(s) are broken all around. So, I sort of piece meal the garland around the tree.

3.) Then it’s time for the ornaments. One by one they come off. Then I wrap them in tissue paper, filling a special box until each and every one  of my beloved ornaments are safely tucked in for yet another year.

I always feel sad about this because I love so many of those little gems. I recall the places I have been and the circumstances around it’s acquisition.

4.) The lights are next. Not just regular lights, but the bubble lights that Hubby loves so much. Those must be carefully re-boxed so they do not break. This year I will need to hunt down some replacement bulbs.

5.) Once the lights are off, Then I start un-making the tree and packing the ‘limbs’ into a box. This is also a row upon row process, but with music in my ears I got that tree down in no time.

Later I will finish closing up boxes and then on Wednesday Hubby will pass these boxes up to me in the attic and I will drag them to their spot for another 11 months.

Another Christmas Come and gone!

4 thoughts on “Bye, Bye Christmas Tree”

  1. We never had those bubble lights growing up, but I remember seeing them on other trees. Very pretty.
    I’ll be doing Mom’s shopping and a run to the Drug Store too.
    I hope I feel more positive, thankful and patient today. Love YOU, Mel

  2. Look online at Vermont Country Store site. They carry strings of the bubble lights and”real” lead icicles. Might be worth a try. Wich we could leave Christmas up all year round as I just love the way everything looks, don’t you?

  3. We saved the paper chain even. And the tree. We bought one with roots. It seemed to shed more needles than a regular cut tree so who knows if it’ll survive to spring.

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