By A Nose!

Back in July of 2008, I was diagnosed with, and operated on for Skin Cancer on my nose. You can go back HERE and read all about that time in my life.

Recently, I noticed that the scar on my nose was reacting badly. By this I mean, it was once again getting red, the skin was scaly and the scar looked like it was growing.

So last week I went in on Tuesday and saw my doctor, who referred me to Dr. A. at Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital. That day we were told that the soonest I could get in was JULY!

Then I heard that Dr. A.’s office wanted all my surgical records. So we drove down to get them the next day to have them faxed over to Dr. A.’s office.

She looked them over on Friday morning and her nurse called me with an appointment for Monday morning at 10 AM.

I tried not to worry or freak out, but frankly, it concerned me that they’d found an appointment space so quickly after getting my records.

In fact I told my cousin there were no worries, and she wrote me back asking “Who are you? And what have you done with my cousin?”

Have I mentioned that in fact I am a BIG little bit of a worrier?

Monday came and Hubby offered to drive me. Our roads are still not the best here in New Hampshire, after the big storm on Friday/Saturday, and today’s surprise storm!

Going over wasn’t so bad, but the return trip was scary as all get out!

But, I digress.

When I got to Dr. A.’s Office I was escorted into her examination room. After examining my nose, she was not happy. It seems my original surgery was not done correctly and that was why she wanted to see me so quickly.

She believes the cancer has come back and she would like an extensive surgery done to further remove the cancer and then do plastic surgery on my nose.

Meanwhile, today, Dr. A. took two biopsies on my nose and then she put in stitches. I must leave them for a week before they are removed.

Feb 09

I do not know when my next procedure will be. I guess as soon as they can arrange it. After the skin heals, I will need to use a chemotherapy cream until they are sure the cancer is completely gone.

I’m feeling a little headache-y now and my nose also hurts. But I think it is to be expected.

Hubby drove me over and back, as I said. The ride over was not so bad until we reached Lebanon, NH. Then the snow was falling pretty heavily. Then I was in for my appointment and when I got out, the snow was already 3 inches deep! And very slippery!

Mountain roads are not the easiest, and I swear I couldn’t breathe the entire time we were in the car. Now we’re home, I am feeling a little better, just cold. At one point a large propane truck was coming our way, and he was sliding! Talk about scared!

So thank you all for listening to me today. Yes, I am a little freaked now, and I will keep trying to chill out.

Keep your fingers crossed that all will turn out okay!


9 thoughts on “By A Nose!”

  1. All will be well. You are in good hands thankfully and you’ll get fixed up fast. Keep the faith as lots of prayers are being said for you and lots of good wishes and love is sent your way too! Love YOU, Mel

  2. Glad you’re home safe and sound. It sounds like you’re with the right doctor, which is often the key…I will keep you in my prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. Take care! I freak out rather easily too, so I get that : )

  3. Glad they saw you so soon! I had a misdiagnosis and so very late surgery on a basal cell carcinoma on my forehead in 2007. They had to take a big chunk out of me. But I’m all better now! I’m doing the topical chemo to clear up some potential new spots now and I’m not a huge fan but it’s better than more surgery is what I’m telling myself. Be good to yourself!

  4. Oh yes I will cross my fingers that your nose heals quickly, (the little plaster suits you well !) Of course you are worried who wouldn’t ! How can one name a hospital after Hitchcock ? I would be scared to go in there, lol !
    We too have snow again, but not as much as you have !

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