Hubby, The Fruit Trees & Me

Hubby has been working pruning our fruit trees each afternoon. It brought back memories of the first time he tried to teach me to prune a fruit tree.

He told me to stand back. To imagine the living tree, and how I wanted to shape it to grow with just one leader and a series of supporting branches.

The other important thing was to be sure that each of the tiers had the ability to let the sun in to nourish the fruit.

He demonstrated with several trees, and I watched him carefully. It looked easy enough. Just take the pruning pole and snip, snip, here, and you were done.

Well, carefully I took the pruning pole. I stood back and looked at the tree. It was a beautiful tree. Actually I thought it was so beautiful, it probably didn’t need my help. However, Hubby stood waiting and after I’d surveyed the tree for several minutes I went up, put the pruner in and snip!

I stood back and horror filled my chest! I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks as I realized I had made the worst cut ever to that poor defenseless tree!

I started to cry (silently) but Hubby took the pole and walked to the next tree and mumbled, “Oh well, good thing about trees, is that they grown back after a cut like that!”

And after that dreadful first pruning lesson, given to me when Hubby and I were just engaged, but not yet married, I can happily report that he married me anyway!

But he doesn’t ask for my help pruning trees now! LOL!

3 thoughts on “Hubby, The Fruit Trees & Me”

  1. LOL! I had not heard that story before. He does a perfect job on his own. You make the applesauce and let him to do the pruning. Love YOU, Mel

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