
I’m going to forgo the usual thirteen this week and just kind of ramble. Hubby and I are working hard to prepare for next week. What this means is stocking up on foods and drinks, getting all the laundry done, including sheets, and dog beds.

I’m going to have Hubby do the vacuuming while I dust, and then on Sunday I will wash down all three bathrooms.

I know that after the next surgery there will be a period of lying around and allowing my nose and face to heal.

You know I have had nightmares about moving around in my sleep and waking up to find my nose on my cheek!

Up until today I could hardly wait for the surgery to come about. Now that it will happen in a few days, I am starting to get a little nervous.

You see, I want to be attractive. I don’t want my nose to look like Michael Jackson. I want to have my old nose back! And I know that this is not going to happen. I’ll have a nose. A new nose. But it will not be the nose I have always known.

I sort of slapped myself today and reminded myself that I should be grateful for what I do have and stop whining. Look at what the Boston victims are going through. Yes, I have far less to complain about!

The next few weeks will be a challenge for both Hubby and me, but I know we’ll get through it. I just hope that after all of this, the rest of 2013 will be uneventful.

5 thoughts on “Preparing”

  1. I don’t blame you for being nervous and especially since you didn’t really know what was to come last time. I hope and trust that the doctor will make every effort to fix things and even if you have to have another surgery to finish it all up! Sending healing thoughts and prayers! Love YOU, Mel

  2. I would be more concerned if you weren’t nervous! Have faith in your doctor and in God…you are beautiful on the inside and that will always shine through on the outside. However, your surgeon is going to make you beautiful and give you a “new” look for the next chapter of your life!!!

  3. Think positive your nose will be more beautiful then the old one ! Isn’t it terrible what happened in Boston ? I almost missed that because I had Claudie here for 5 days and no time to watch TV !

  4. It is good to think of others but you are going through a huge thing yourself at the moment. Good luck with everything and the outcome will still be the beautiful person we knew before!

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